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At least in the case of Kyle Reese, yes, thats a good point. That shouldn't present any restriction on announcing further T-800s though - Arnie and/or Endo.

It could though, since we don't know the terms of the deal with Arnold. For all we know, they could have reached a point where renegotiations are required. It's even possible that a new figure was ready but rejected for whatever reason, bringing them back to the drawing board. For endos, I can't imagine there being near as many potential hurdles.
I kinda think if they debut it as a 1/4, they won't work backwards. Wasn't DX12 shown and then the 1/4 version?
Oh come on!
QS001 was announced after QS002, second one was released already and we don't know **** about the first one.
There's no logic in their behavior at all.
I kinda think if they debut it as a 1/4, they won't work backwards. Wasn't DX12 shown and then the 1/4 version?

I don't think anyone need see it as working 'backwards' to make a 1:6 after a 1:4. There are those who simply will not buy a 1:4 scale figure but would buy the hell out of a 1:6. I also think even HT would regard it as a shame not to complete the 1:6 line with all the major versions of the T-800.

It could though, since we don't know the terms of the deal with Arnold. For all we know, they could have reached a point where renegotiations are required. It's even possible that a new figure was ready but rejected for whatever reason, bringing them back to the drawing board. For endos, I can't imagine there being near as many potential hurdles.

I dunno man, NECA seemed to have no problem making every version of Arnold, I can't think of a reason HT would be barred from doing so.
Yeah, I agree. Plus -- maybe this is naïve -- but it seems to me they're movie fans, too, and T1 PS Termie is as iconic as that character gets.
The two bits of evidence that make me think this might still happen is: 1) the 1/4 scale figure they teased. . .once. . .apparently using the head from another figure. . .a year ago; and 2) this was Hot Toys 2nd figure under the MMS banner, supporting what your are saying to some extent:


Not only are HT movie fans, but from the beginning they were big Terminator (1) fans.
What HT is doing doesn't surprise me in the least. How many times have we seen companies announce licenses then delay products, discontinue lines, reveal new items that never get released, give preferential treatment to some licenses while others are ignored?

I don't know how many times I've been disappointed over the years being teased a product that I want that never got made, or having to wait patiently for something to be released that I'm interested in just so a company can get a character or license out of their system.
Another day another Iron Man announcement. They're making The Mandarin (Ben Kingsley). Great for Iron Man fans, bit of variety within that franchise at least.

It does beg the question though of why the **** only Iron Man can get every possible character announced right from the off?

Why has Terminator never had Police Shootout T-800 announced? Why has Kyle Reese not been announced?

Why do other license have to wait years for an assurance that TITLE and core characters - surefire sellers at that - will be made? Unless they're just not gonna make them at all for some reason.

It's F-ed up alright. From almost any other license HT are more likely to make one main character thats like fourth on peoples want list and then the character that the least amount of people want and call it a day but with iron man they not only plan on doing everyone but they actually keep people constantly informed so they don't have to even wonder :gah: :mad:

I'm OK with it. The more HT puts out that I'm not interested in, the easier it is for me to push them aside and take my business elsewhere. And with the prices seemingly rising with each new release, it's not hard to have a nonchalant attitude about the whole thing.

That is exactly how i approach it now.

Predator lines have got to be the 3rd favorite of HT after Iron Man/Marvel and Nolan Batman.


It's mean no chance for HT to make his glory again like 3 years ago where predator line become the best line ever?
I dunno man, NECA seemed to have no problem making every version of Arnold, I can't think of a reason HT would be barred from doing so.

I'm not saying they are barred, but there could be many reasons why NECA made so many Terminators while HT hasn't. Time would be one reason. Look at the time frame Neca released all those figures vs HT. imagine if they both held a Arnold Terminator license for the same amount of time. Neca goes 'bam' every possible variant released, license expires, no need to renew. HT makes a couple, license expires, time to renegotiate.

The point is there could be things behind the scenes holding it up, but I bet it went more like this:

Sculptor: Boss, our Terminator proto is done! All we need to do is photograph it and send it to production!
Boss: What the hell are you doing?! Don't you know Iron Man 3 is coming? Get sculpting! *throws the Terminator proto in the garbage
I'm surprised there isn't 'are you sick of iron man yet?' poll thread :lol

We're waiting for you to do one :wink1:

I thought you came close with your recent one asking how many of the new Iron Mans people were planning to buy. I think you were putting feelers out for people to say 'NONE OF THEM. I'M SICK OF DIS $H!T. **** YOU JoBu, I DO IT MYSELF IN DE CUSTOMS SECTION!'
I'm not saying they are barred, but there could be many reasons why NECA made so many Terminators while HT hasn't. Time would be one reason. Look at the time frame Neca released all those figures vs HT. imagine if they both held a Arnold Terminator license for the same amount of time. Neca goes 'bam' every possible variant released, license expires, no need to renew. HT makes a couple, license expires, time to renegotiate.

The point is there could be things behind the scenes holding it up, but I bet it went more like this:

Sculptor: Boss, our Terminator proto is done! All we need to do is photograph it and send it to production!
Boss: What the hell are you doing?! Don't you know Iron Man 3 is coming? Get sculpting! *throws the Terminator proto in the garbage

It's all about hype isn't ?

Remember last year when TDKR - Batman released?
Every toys company launched their batman/bane/tumbler/cat woman/batpod/etc..

Now it happening on ironman
We're waiting for you to do one :wink1:

I thought you came close with your recent one asking how many of the new Iron Mans people were planning to buy. I think you were putting feelers out for people to say 'NONE OF THEM. I'M SICK OF DIS $H!T. **** YOU JoBu, I DO IT MYSELF IN DE CUSTOMS SECTION!'

I've got your point brother :hi5:
We're waiting for you to do one :wink1:

I thought you came close with your recent one asking how many of the new Iron Mans people were planning to buy. I think you were putting feelers out for people to say 'NONE OF THEM. I'M SICK OF DIS $H!T. **** YOU JoBu, I DO IT MYSELF IN DE CUSTOMS SECTION!'


Nah, i don't want that kindof heat.

Just wanted to see how many people are willing to spend $230+ on multiple figures with less than a few minutes screentime
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