I enjoyed it, for the most part. McBride and Robinson stole the show, in my opinion. Seth Rogen was Seth Rogen, Jay Baruchel was awkward Canadian guy, and Jonah Hill was...I don't even know. James Franco seemed like an amalgam of himself and his pineapple character in one package that amplified the douchbaggery a little bit. That being said, these aren't complaints. I knew what I was getting into and it delivered.
The Emma Watson bit was hilarious, as was the Franco heaven bit, and Michael Cera...all I can say is "whoa." I did think the Satan's giant shlong thing was kind of stupid. I get that they're into crude humor, but it just seemed unnecessary, and it really wasn't that funny; probably because **** jokes are like the lowest common denominator on the joke-o-meter if used excessively (I think it wasn't that funny because they used up the **** jokes with the McBride/Franco bit).
Also, the Backstreet Boys; no.