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dude, 90% of the people on this board would crumble in a "REAL" fight.

for that matter 90% of people in general would crumble in a "real" fight.

For clarification, unless you've had legetimate combat training, you're probobly gonna crumble.

i've watched TONS of fights dissolve into "sissy slap-fights" between people who think they're bad-***** :lol

I don't crumple in a real fight but I do go straight into the fetal position and pray!move always worked pretty well for me
I boxed for 5 years when I was in my 20's. A few amateur bouts. I fought between 139-150lbs. I sparred with fighters (ranging from rank amateurs like myself:lol to boxers who were Nationally ranked and between flyweights to heavyweight (I am 5/10).) The hardest I was ever hit was against a bantam, it's the punch you don't see that hurts the most, and not necessarily to the head:wink1:) Never got into a 'street-fight' because there is a HUGE difference between sparring with 10-16 oz gloves boxing and a street fight where the object of the excercise is to end the fight quickly with the most devestation. I know I could handle myself if push came to shove, however, why get to that point--walk away and keep yer mouth shut.
I like how the gamers across from that screaming boy are just shaking their heads at how ridiculous that kid is being. I gotta say though, we live in a world with a bunch a tough guys. Not just in that video, but in this thread as well.

I don't care how much training anyone has had, you're "crumbling" by a bullet or a bat to the head. All it takes is messing with the wrong emotionally unstable neurotic with the wrong possessions and you're done. All those years of training and muscle building won't mean a damn thing if you're dead or twitching violently on the floor.

Best thing to do, the "manly" thing to do, is have your say and walk away. More than half the time, it's never "worth it", even if you feel someone should be put in their place.
Sure there is an element of shock when in that type of situation, but if you're going to act like someone needs "legitimate combat training" to be able to throw a punch, You're going to get laughed at. :lol

We had guys with that mentality around the gym and dojo. we generaly laughed when they sprained or broke their wrists trying to show off on the bags becuase they DIDN'T know how to properly throw a punch. Yes, there is a right way, and a wrong way.

I take MMA courses and even simulated, the real thing and training can be two different things. That's why sparring is important, the training is also part of how to train you to react after you take a punch.

I've sparred against strikers and I've sparred against BJJ/wrestlers. Funny thing is, BJJ/wrestlers do NOT like to be hit and typically aren't training for "real situations" unless their school does that, most are training for tournament fighting.

I've had black eyes, I've had my nose bloodied from sparring, I've had my bell rung, yeah, getting hit is not fun but it's important to know how to react properly after it.

You really don't know how you're going to react in a real-life situation, the best you can do is train to prepare yourself for something like that.

You put it much better than i could. Thankyou.

I don't crumple in a real fight but I do go straight into the fetal position and pray!move always worked pretty well for me

I Lol'd.
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I like how the gamers across from that screaming boy are just shaking their heads at how ridiculous that kid is being. I gotta say though, we live in a world with a bunch a tough guys. Not just in that video, but in this thread as well.

I don't care how much training anyone has had, you're "crumbling" by a bullet or a bat to the head. All it takes is messing with the wrong emotionally unstable neurotic with the wrong possessions and you're done. All those years of training and muscle building won't mean a damn thing if you're dead or twitching violently on the floor.

Best thing to do, the "manly" thing to do, is have your say and walk away. More than half the time, it's never "worth it", even if you feel someone should be put in their place.

yes, I agree 100%. I've been in the Army, trains in jiu-jitsu, and has been in fights before when I was younger. Now that I'm a bit older and wiser, I learned the smart thing is to just walk away. They can call you whatever they like, but if it's not life threatening situation, I'd rather just go about my day. I can handle myself, but why risk injury or possibly worse, just so I can have the final say?
yes, I agree 100%. I've been in the Army, trains in jiu-jitsu, and has been in fights before when I was younger. Now that I'm a bit older and wiser, I learned the smart thing is to just walk away. They can call you whatever they like, but if it's not life threatening situation, I'd rather just go about my day. I can handle myself, but why risk injury or possibly worse, just so I can have the final say?

Smart Man.
Why get that serious over a video game? I would always laugh at competitive people on Cod and halo. They took things to seriously.
This is why its important to have polystone statues all over the house. Those things are heavy and could end a home invasion quickly.

This is why its wrong for Sideshow to start making them hollow. It limits the self defence applications.

When I was in the army and we were being taught CQC, my Master Corporal told us that ultimately, the only winner in a fight is the guy left standing. Fighting honourably isn't gonna stop the other guy from beating you to death or make you heal from your injuries quicker if he doesn't. Before the guy can throw the first strike, you plant your boot firmly in his nuts, fight over.
When I get mad playing games, I just hit my hand super hard on the chair. And that is stupid because sometimes it really hurts and I think "maybe that wasn't such a good idea because I work with my hands..."
Oh, and in a fight, I definitely wouldn't crumble to this guy. I've got too much rage inside for dudes like this.
I have a pretty simple philosophy on fighting. I just recently got my black belt in hap-ki-do. Don't know if that's really relevant to what I have to say but whateves. Anywhoo I try to treat everybody with respect, even if I just met you. And I generally try to stay out of trouble and will, if I can, talk my way out of a fight. Having said that if I am forced into a real fight, meaning talking my way out isn't going to happen or if it's against an actual assailant attempting me harm.
**** 'em. Hit first, hit hard, fight dirty.

So after that long winded explanation basically when people talk smack in video games I just laugh.
Damn everyone is this thread is a bunch of real deal Bruce Lee hard chargers. I had no idea I was talking to such tough men on here.

Seriously tho most people don't know how to fight. Why should they? Most places are well policed and your average person is intelligent enough to which punching the **** out of each other should be unnecessary in most cases. And if you know anything about the US military you would know they are not a bunch of hand to hand experts. The martial arts taught to or military revolves around getting the user back to a position to be able to fire their weapon which is usually the most effective way to end a fight.

Its pretty funny that we came in here to question the toughness of a bunch of oily teens playing video games and it took one page for people to start attacking each other.