BJJ is a neet art. MY hometown had a Gracie Barra School, Talked with the guys who ran it once, and they discribed BJJ as " The Fine art of countering and grapeling your opponent to the ground so you can sit on his chest and punch him in the face untill he passes out."
Simple, effective, and it made me chuckle.
Cool training mentality of the dojo masters ( is that the right term for a BJJ sensi? is Sensi even the right term? Donno. If not, I appologise) was to spar with as many varied martial arts disciplins as possible, with the intention of finding counters, blocks, and grapples that worked best.
For the record, I've studied Grappling, Judo, Akido, And Yoshukai Shotokan Karate. As well as some weapons instruction. Always REALLY enjoyed judo and Akido. Neet stuff.