Thor: Love and Thunder **BEWARE SPOILERS**

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As silly as it is I just find Waititi and Hemsworth's brand of humor to be so much more natural (not forced) and funny than Gunn's.

That EG ending with Thor and Starlord remains one of the funniest things i’ve seen in a long time and it still holds up and the crazy part is how short the scene is YET still delivers epic comedy.

Gunn’s is super forced.

That EG ending with Thor and Starlord remains one of the funniest things i’ve seen in a long time and it still holds up and the crazy part is how short the scene is YET still delivers epic comedy.

Gunn’s is super forced.
Yep and Gunn seemed to try to replicate Waititi/Hemsworth with Cena in The Peacemaker and from what I saw it just didn't come close.
I like Hemsworth as Thor.

The Thor I remember as a kid was always joking around and was in a good mood whenever he was allowed to fight.


Remember around the same time when Vincent D'Onofrio played "Thor"?


Then he went on to be the Kingpin. Crazy.
Re: Gunn’s humor… for me… and obviously YMMV… Gunn’s humor feels organic and natural as can be in GotG. I Ioved it there. It started to get more noticeably forced with GotG Vol. 2. I still liked the movie overall but the humor was beginning to fray. And for TSS it’s totally forced. Didn’t care for the movie.
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Gunn's too much of an Edge Lord. Waititi is just silly fun, and there's not enough of that these days.
Gunn has a gross sense of humor. All those butt jokes, etc. Like a 13 yr old. Taika is just dumb silly. I prefer my Nolan kind of high class humor that well placed yet limited.
Gunn has a gross sense of humor. All those butt jokes, etc. Like a 13 yr old. Taika is just dumb silly. I prefer my Nolan kind of high class humor that well placed yet limited.
I think there are really a lot of underrated funny moments in Nolan's best work- The Dark Knight 'Lamborghini, much more subtle' comes to mind. Inception's 'you can't be afraid to dream a little bigger darling'. It all just feels so organic, and doesn't affect the tone of the movie. The situation and the character dynamics call for it. Taika in Ragnarok as well as Gunn in GOTG Vol 2 disrupted their own tone by including humour in places it should not be. And I agree with others in the thread, give me Waititi over Gunn everyday, especially considering his work on Jojo Rabbit.
Re: Gunn’s humor… for me… and obviously YMMV… Gunn’s humor feels organic and natural as can be in GotG. I Ioved it there. It started to get more noticeably forced with GotG Vol. 2. I still liked the movie overall but the humor was beginning to fray. And for TSS it’s totally forced. Didn’t care for the movie.

I felt GOTG2 wasted some really good opportunities. There were some good moments but I felt Kurt Russell's character was totally extraneous. ( I never read the comics, so I don't know how much legacy canon was involved there)

Plenty of Rooker as the surrogate dad and Star Lord with flashbacks would be enough. Also I would have liked to see Drax get an arc as more than just a throwaway oddball comedy character. And how Rocket came to be.

If the NovaCorps was going to bite it ( done off screen in the Avengers movies), I would have rather seen it in GOTG2.
I think there are really a lot of underrated funny moments in Nolan's best work- The Dark Knight 'Lamborghini, much more subtle' comes to mind. Inception's 'you can't be afraid to dream a little bigger darling'. It all just feels so organic, and doesn't affect the tone of the movie. The situation and the character dynamics call for it. Taika in Ragnarok as well as Gunn in GOTG Vol 2 disrupted their own tone by including humour in places it should not be. And I agree with others in the thread, give me Waititi over Gunn everyday, especially considering his work on Jojo Rabbit.
Jojo Rabbit is effing amazing. There is so much true heart in that movie, it's actually devastating. Love it.
That and What we do in the Shadows are Waititi's best films by far.
I haven’t seen JoJo Rabbit. Hitler/naziism seems such questionable subject matter for humor that I’m not drawn to it in any way... I mean, it’s a perfectly fair question for each individual to decide for themselves whether there’s a line to be drawn on what is taboo for humor, and where that line is, etc. But there are definitely some subjects that I would not be able to enjoy if someone tried to take a humorous slant on them. Especially if it is just to push the envelope, essentially.

This reminds me of James Gunn, actually. Although I’m able to separate out GotG from his Twitter behavior years ago. Because where do we draw the line on artists’ personal behavior versus their work? Like, the work is what it is regardless at some level. I can appreciate the work itself and also condemn personal failings. Jack Kirby was a big Ayn Rand supporter (which would one would think could deeply offend a great many people whose politics are liberal). The same applies to any other contributor to society for that matter. The founding fathers of the USA were all slave owners, etc. The original US Constitution is deeply flawed by virtue of only including wealthy male land owners in its limited “democratic” system. And by supporting the institution of slavery and maintaining a monstrously bigoted voting system! Good God. But does that invalidate the entire US Constitution? Personally I don’t feel that it does. Anyway, the list could go on and on. Just saying it’s a complicated subject.
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Same, my partner and I just couldn't get into it and turned it off after 30 minutes.
You guys should give it another chance, it really is a very good movie.
And while on the surface it campy and humorous, it has some some of the most harrowing moments ever put on film. It's not often that a movie can get me so deeply with one scene, but damn... this one really did. My son (16 at the time) also watched it upon my recommendation and said he was it had some of the toughest scenes he'd watched. And I watched Schindler's List with both my kids a couple of years ago.

Speaking of which; I believe atrocities and traumatic events can (and should) also be open to comedy and satire. I believe it's not the fact that a joke is made out of something -no matter how serious the subject-, it's how intelligent the joke is. And I could find absolutely no fault in the way Waititi handled the humour and satire in Jojo Rabbit. It is a very intelligent, beautifully written and shot.

EDIT: Hrrmmpff... multi-quote doesn't seem to be working, or I don't know how to work it...
Speaking of which; I believe atrocities and traumatic events can (and should) also be open to comedy and satire. I believe it's not the fact that a joke is made out of something -no matter how serious the subject-, it's how intelligent the joke is. And I could find absolutely no fault in the way Waititi handled the humour and satire in Jojo Rabbit. It is a very intelligent, beautifully written and shot.
People often use humour as a coping mechanism for traumatic events etc. so there’s no reason why a film can’t do the same.

JoJo Rabbit has some goofy humour but it also has a lot of heart, something I feel that Taiki is often able to strike a good balance with.
I am just so done with Marvel, I cant get excited for this.

Shang Chi really hit home how much I am tired of the Formula.

I still blame Endgame also. Was just talking to a friend and we were both saying how we dont like watching it and I figured out why.

Hulk yeah that's a given.

But much more than that. I don't like that it's a depressing movie. By killing Tony and basically killing Cap, I never really want to watch it anymore. The final battle is less fun because I know what's coming and Jeepers Creepers they went so dark with Tony's death. Don't even let the guy say good by just sit there like a living corpse. I mean what the hell? The overall look of the film is depressing the subject matter for the most part is depressing so even though they win in the end and bring back everyone the real cherry on top is Cap and IM being taken out (especially IM)

Maybe if Tony didn't have a kid or if Cap snapped his fingers and was the only one to go I could have managed but the way we get to remember Tony with that last shot of him looking they way he did.. WTF.

Don't get me wrong I don't mind films with Sad endings. But Endgame was the end and I personally don't need to see my hero's die. I know that seemed to be on everyone's mind for that one. "Some has to die or there are no stakes" Bah... Most comic book hero's are still kicking in the comics.

So ending that way kind of ruined my enjoyment of the rest of the films.. There is still a giant Iron Man and Cap sized hole in this Marvel universe and I dont see anyone close to filling it.

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