Super Freak
Early days...
I have no clue what that means. Haha
Early days...
Too early for an ES.
One - two months seems to be the norm. Plenty of time to see how it sells.
I think thor frog is gonna have a low es and go for big bucks later
I think the Reg will still be available when this starts shipping.
It's been up a few weeks now so should be an ES set, for the Ex, in the next couple of weeks.
I ordered on the first day. Thor = Sold!!
I'm definitely picking this up. It looks awesome. However, since the EX feature is useless to me, I'll be looking to score the REG at a discount. This is the first time I know I will definitely be buying a piece and not ordering the EX directly from SSC.
Wish I could do this. My LCS' are useless.
Not going to buy from my LCS. My LCS doesn't carry SSC product. Not enough of a profit margin for him to bother carrying SSC merch. I'll just get him from an online retailer or off the bay after he's released. No hurry on this since the EX isn't anything I would display. I'll probably wait to see in hand pics just to make sure there are no QC issues with the piece.
Do you have any recommended online retail stores? And do any of them save you money?
I hesitate on ebay because I've had nothing but bad experiences. Haha
There are actually quite a bit that do carry them. I've used and can recommend: BBTS and Alteregocomics
Do they ever have more of a discount? Or is 10-15 dollars about all the wiggle room we will get.
thats all the AD deal allows
You're welcome
No brainer even if you don't display the Ex.