THOR: The Dark World

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Thing is Darcy didn't even do any Sciency stuff. Sure she's an intern and all but she was there just for the funnies.

I'd have preferred they left Selvig and his goofiness out of it, made Jane the lead scientist with Darcy showing more aptitude for the role she's supposed to have.

I think the great interpersonal characterization between the Asgardians just made the already weakly written Earth characters just stand out even more.

Agreed, they were at best a distraction. Especially with the battle again Malekith being interrputed for them.
I like Kat Dennings...her voice might be a little annoying and Fran Drescher-ish but she brings two good things to the movie!


I'll let everyone guess what....
Yeah I agree. She has lovely eyes.
Thing is Darcy didn't even do any Sciency stuff. Sure she's an intern and all but she was there just for the funnies.

I'd have preferred they left Selvig and his goofiness out of it, made Jane the lead scientist with Darcy showing more aptitude for the role she's supposed to have.

Agreed, they were at best a distraction. Especially with the battle again Malekith being interrputed for them.

Hopkins just sounds like he hates the roll. :rotfl

Loki didn't kill him, we'll see Odin again fighting Thanos.

New actor will probably play him by then.

Nice breasts up top.
Now that I've had a day to really think about are my ramblings...

I really liked it... a lot. A little spoilerish from here on out...

I liked how Taylor really opened up the other realms...gave Asgard an opulent, yet lived in feel. The other realms were pretty distinctive too. The whole battle during the convergence at the end was clever, and coherent, design-wise and story-wise...that could've been a confusing mess, but Taylor and his editors did a good job....

One thing that kept coming to my attention during this movie was how we're really starting to hit a bit of an overload with this kind of thing (these fantasy world-building adventure pics)...the design ideas are starting to overlap and call out to one another, intentionally or not. Sometimes it can be kinda cool...but it's a fine line and it's almost like the art directors are running out of ways to present these fantastical places to us. I was seeing visual nods from things as far back as "Zardoz" and the "80s "Flash Gordon" and "Krull" right up to more current fare like Jackon's "Rings" movies and this summer's "MOS". Again...I'm not knocking's just getting awful similar looking out there in fantasy land, no matter how well rendered...

But back to this movie...if the Marvel folk have proven anything with this string of movies, it's all about the casting...especially the leads. Like Downey and Evans with Iron Man and Captain America respectively, Hemsworth simply owns this role now...he IS Thor. He's really comfortable playing this larger-than-life character...never making a joke out of it...with a great level of charisma, strength and warmth. It helps that the script takes the character through a good progression. He has a good chemistry with all of the other characters, yes, including Jane.

A lot of folks have been knocking Portman in this...hauling out the ole' "wooden" talk and no chemistry...I'm not seeing that. I thought Portman was fine....actually better this time around...even she seemed more comfortable with more to do. I really liked her (brief) scenes with Russo (who really made the most of her time on screen in this). In fact, come to think of cool was it to have this kind of movie feature not one or two, but three (well, four if you count the annoying Darci...more on that in a minute) strong, distinctive female characters that are more to the proceedings than just someone in distress or to just stand with the man? We have a scientist. a warrior, a ruler...all strong, interesting and still very feminine. It really helped make the movie feel more substantial.

Now that was the only thing that felt shoe-horned into the proceedings. Inject the "Laverne & Shirley" wannabee Sitcom Star in liberal doses of "wackiness" and laughs are sure to follow. Um, no...a little of her goes a long way and if anything, her schtick will prove even more grating with subsequent viewings.

Now Mr. Hemsworth, this role is his...not just a "one note "villain"...he's really taken the character and fleshed it out with motivations and expressions that are really a treat to he has created a true, memorable performance that is award-worthy....but of course, Jotunheim will thaw before that happens...

Now as for those now-standard end credit scenes....I wish they had switched them around....had the Thor one first (in mid-credits) and the GOTG tease at the very end.

Now comes the next big risk....Captain America:Winter Soldier looks like it could be "it" for the more "Earth" -bound, less "fantasy-driven" movies we're going to see from the Marvel folk...."Guardians" (and presumably "Avengers:AOU") are looking like they'll be strongly embracing the more fantastic elements of their comic'll be interesting see if they can bring the audiences that have been going to these movies so far along for the ride....I'll be there!

Thor returns to Jane, and you see the Frost Giant Dog Monster running around, chasing birds.

But all in all a great movie. I only watched one after credit scene, didn't know there was another. I'll catch it on youtube or the bluray.

I loved that 2nd extra after credits scene. It made it worth watching the credits for! :lol

:gah: haven't been able to watch it yet! I'm missing all the fun!

Well, what are you waiting for?! Get to it! Its really fun as everyone (myself included) is saying!!! :thwak
Me too, I think we're in the minority, but this movie had great balance and it was nice seeing some of the Thor characters begin to be fleshed out. Not the Earth nitwits, but mom, Warriors 3, Sif (damn, they need more Sif with less armor) :lol

Count me in this group as well. Sometimes I wonder what the hell people expect when they go to these movies. It had that nice balance of comedy, action and drama that the Marvel movies have come to be known for. Sure they could've used more Sif, and I would've loved more scenes with Malekith and Kurse, but honestly, I JUST SAW MALEKITH AND KURSE IN A MOVIE!!! This movie felt like a cocktail of Avengers, Star Wars, and LotR, and it worked.

I really enjoyed Asgard more in this movie, whereas in the first movie I enjoyed the Earth scenes better. I wouldn't mind the next film to take place completely on Asgard, especially if they go with something like the Ragnarok storyline.
Speaking of that other guy, this is one awesome monster. So glad he wasn't CGI.

**** yeah he was!!! It was really cool to see him both in his changed form, and his initial armor he wore in the prison scene, which looked very reminiscent of his look in the comics.

And from what I saw in the mid-credits scene, GotG should be more of the same.
Hiddlestons best turn as Loki was in the first Thor imo.

He did better in this than in TA but his mere inclusion generates so much hyperbole it's speaks to love of the character more than outstanding performance
Saw this last night. Other than thinking the two end scenes should've been switched, I didn't really have any issues with it. It was great to see Thor with a budget he deserved. So far Phase 2 is 2-for-2. :rock
Speaking of that other guy, this is one awesome monster. So glad he wasn't CGI.


This is one of the reason why i like the movie because they finally implemented some viking stuff and medival age creatures just how it is in the comic book. Something that was not introduced in all the other Thor movies.
Yeah, he was a badass while touching energy walls, walking around and dying from some random ****. Totally badass.