Re: THOR: The sequel
Hopefully they can get Brett Ratner to take over. He did wonders for the X-Men franchise.
Hopefully they can get Brett Ratner to take over. He did wonders for the X-Men franchise.
Its true though!That was the one thing I really hated about Thor. He wasn't really Thor for most of the movie. If it was a stand alone movie with no sequel or Avengers lined up afterward, it would have really sucked. We only see him for a bit in the begining with the Frost giants and a few minutes at the end. Not really that great for a god-superhero. So now that that is out of the way, we can get to the smashing.
I was just wondering the other day if Iron Man was going to be the only Avenger with a stand-alone sequel (Hulk doesn't count). I was only expecting Avengers sequels. I don't see how they can break the Avengers up for individual movies after they've brought them all together.
Mike, isn't Superman out in 2012?
Is there a possibility Branagh will return or has he said he won't do it?
Deadline claims Branagh's split with the studios was "mutual and amicable," and that he'll probably involved with the sequel in some creative capacity. This obviously means the director's chair is now open, so expect the rumor mill to start churning out names soon.
I like everything about IRON MAN 3 so far... except for Don Cheadle returning. He's a great actor (better than Terrance Howard), but imho he makes a terrible Rhody. And he and RDJ had zero chemistry in IRON MAN 2 (unlike Howard & RDJ, whose chemistry jumped off the screen from their very first scene. You feel like they were actually pals).
That, the Ed Norton thing, hiring Joe Johnston for CAP, lots of other little things, and now this THOR 2 stuff... Marvel Studios is their own worst enemy sometimes.
I don't know--it looks like Johnston has done a really good job with Captain America.
According to Kevin Feige, the plan is to reference the Avengers but not fully have segmented issues. I believe he was quoted in saying "Tony Stark isn't all of sudden going to have afternoon tea with Thor every day." So the plan was to bring them together and then continue them all individually bringing them back when needed, same as the comics.
Marvel recently signed Shane Black, who made a name for himself in the 1980s and 90s with The Monster Squad, Last Action Hero and four Lethal Weapon films, to helm Iron Man 3 after director Jon Favreau left the project. Black, who has worked with Robert Downey Jr. before in the crime-comedy Kiss, Kiss, Bang, Bang, is working in close association with screenwriter Drew Pearce to produce an original script.