Ash Housewares
Super Freak
IM 2 didn't even come to close to the awesomeness of IM. I can't actually watch that movie all the way through. It's dull.
IM 2 didn't even come to close to the awesomeness of IM. I can't actually watch that movie all the way through. It's dull.
Tomorrow night Thor is on!!WOOT WOOT!!!
I really like IM2 but do agree that IM is the better of the two films.
Agreed its the better of the two.
Just wait, Captain America will be released in England first too
My understanding is Thor is being launched first in Australia.
Tomorrow night Thor is on!!WOOT WOOT!!!
don't get me wrong, I don't hate IM2, it's a fun Marvel diversion when one is in the mood for more Iron Man and right now it's the only place to get your War Machine movie fix for the time being so I take what I can get.
But it's definately a tad too much on the simple, kid friendly movie side of the equation for my tastes.
Black Widow's mini assault at the end is my constant reminder that Marvel tried really hard to simultaneously entertain kids and adults with IM2.
She kicked ass and was sexy while doing it but her ass kicking and her sexiness was presented in such a way that it had to be just right for the kids.
That's ok, I can always fall back on IM1, Blade 1, Blade 2, Superman 2 (Donner's Cut), BB and TDK if I want a more adult orientated or flavored Superhero product.
I'm not one that believes a "Superhero" movie has to be "dark" and "serious" all the time for it to be considered good, just look at IM1 for example.
But If the Marvel movies begin to get too kid friendly then I can see myself begining to lose some interest in them.
Lets see where Thor ends up on the Kid-Adult story telling scale.
Will it be Lord of the Rings type adult drama or will it be another "kid safe" Marvel movie.
Right now i'm guessing the latter but even if it is, as long as it's done right and the material is treated with respect then I can see myself still walking away from it loving it as much as I did IM1.
Am I making any sense here whatsoever![]()
What the ____? Why are all these movies getting released early over seas!??
Saw it tonight... If you can avoid 3D, see it in 2D... The action into close and fast for the slower flicker of 3D glasses... The film was good, decent and fun. Not great, but not average their. I will say this the casting all round was perfect, accept for Thors mates, they were a bit too camp!
I enjoyed Norton's Hulk more. Just missed the mark set by Iron Man 1. I like Incredible Hulk more than IM1 and like IM2 better than all of them!
But I blame the 3D and sitting tooo close to my current view of the film, but N Portman & C Hemsworth have great chemistry!