Those who disliked TLJ, are you still buying toys from it?

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Ditch the extended scenes of horse/sheep racing and instead just have a quick glance of pod-racing as a nice callback.

But then they wouldn't have been able to have the dumb forced scene of Rose pulling the saddle off of it and saying, "Now it was all worth it." :lol

I :slap'd at that scene.
But then they wouldn't have been able to have the dumb forced scene of Rose pulling the saddle off of it and saying, "Now it was all worth it." :lol

I :slap'd at that scene.

Or how about a horse dragging the pods....

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So no love for HT Rose??? Haha most useless/pointless character in SW history. I’m Asian and want her out of the movie. The forced diversity is dumb and should be thrown out.
So no love for HT Rose??? Haha most useless/pointless character in SW history. I’m Asian and want her out of the movie. The forced diversity is dumb and should be thrown out.

Paige was a better character. I liked Paige, too bad she didn't live to become Finn's companion.
As a SW fan since the beginning I'm pretty easy to please...or at least that's what I thought till I saw TLJ. Granted, I've only seen it once and many people said it's better the second time around, but as of now I can honestly say I hated it. With the success of RO I was hoping the silliness found in many of the films was put behind us...but, not so much. As far as purchasing figures from the film my sights are only set on Poe, maybe...maybe Rey, all other characters were a bit of a letdown or wouldn't warrant spending the money.
OT characters only for me Although I have the TFA R2, because I love the way it looks. Besides R2 is Lucas & not Disney. I may consider a Darth Maul and some astromech from the prequels but nothing from the Disney franchise. Never liked any of the clone troopers from EP2/3 as well.
By all accounts it was Abrams, Kasdan and Johnson that really came up with the story for this new trilogy. This story group appears to be responsible more for things like Rebels and the new comics and novels and making sure all the continuity fits together.

And I still don't understand what was so "forced" about having Rose be asian in the movie. Yes it was kind of a weak character, but that had nothing to do with her being asian.

To make sure the continuity fits together. Laughs. Laughs again.
Keels over
I just sent my figuarts Rey and Kylo back. Even had to eat the shipping cost but I just can't make myself like this new movie. Not trying to be mean, I was just really disappointed.
1/6 scale wise I doubt I will get anything.. Not a Rey fan at all, prefer TFA look for Ren and my OCD would go bonkers if I didn’t have all the Praet Guards. Sticking to a couple Black Series and SH Figuarts and I feel good about my choice.
I just sent my figuarts Rey and Kylo back. Even had to eat the shipping cost but I just can't make myself like this new movie. Not trying to be mean, I was just really disappointed.

Was something wrong with the figures? I don't like TLJ but there is no way I would order then return them because of my disappointment in a movie. If I order something I keep it unless something is wrong with it.
Everyone is obviously allowed to like or dislike whatever they want, but it's amazing to me just how angry people are about this movie.
Everyone is obviously allowed to like or dislike whatever they want, but it's amazing to me just how angry people are about this movie.
Maybe because TLJ took most of the interesting plot points that Abrams developed in TFA, the Skywalker legacy, and any semblance of consistency and then took a major **** on it? TFA is my 2nd favorite Star Wars movie after Empire, so I have NO problem with a reboot for a new generation, but this movie was horribly written.

It movie felt like a 10 year old took a box of action figures and just made a random story as he went along.
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Probably won't get anything from the new trilogy at all, not a big fan of any of the character apart from Kylo. But it's hilarious seeing how angry people are about it, did anyone honestly care who Rey's parents were or who Snoke is? Rey is an awful character, who went through her "character arc" extremely quickly and as a result I don't care who she is. Snoke is interesting, but we never got a back story for Darth Maul or Palpatine (until the PT) - I think people got caught up too much in wanting these to be significant people, Snoke be Plagueis etc.
Maybe because TLJ took most of the interesting plot points that Abrams developed in TFA, the Skywalker legacy, and any semblance of consistency and then took a major **** on it? TFA is my 2nd favorite Star Wars movie after Empire, so I have NO problem with a reboot for a new generation, but this movie was horribly written.

It movie felt like a 10 year old took a box of action figures and just made a random story as he went along.

This is exactly my point: This is not a thoughtful film critique, this is anger.

People are viewing this movie as almost an attack against them personally. It's bizarre.
Maybe because TLJ took most of the interesting plot points that Abrams developed in TFA, the Skywalker legacy, and any semblance of consistency and then took a major **** on it? TFA is my 2nd favorite Star Wars movie after Empire, so I have NO problem with a reboot for a new generation, but this movie was horribly written.

It movie felt like a 10 year old took a box of action figures and just made a random story as he went along.

Totally agree. I think I have seen "disappointment" as being the main driver towards peoples "hate" (as so many people like to brand it). Certainly applies to me. I was so disappointed and shocked that a studio like Disney could be OK with a movie like this. Perhaps I'm ignorant of the process ?? Maybe studios don't get close to the details of the script, or see dailies, or are part of the editing process ?? :dunno

In any case, it makes it very easy for me to not get any merchandise or Hot Toys from this film.
Can Disney design an Adam West style knock out aerosol spray that will make me forget Cliff-Sloth, Teet-Sucking Luke?

And no, I won't be buying anything from this movie. Shame, Hot Toys' TLJ Luke is incredible but it just reminds me how badly they handled the charxscter...
Totally agree. I think I have seen "disappointment" as being the main driver towards peoples "hate" (as so many people like to brand it). Certainly applies to me. I was so disappointed and shocked that a studio like Disney could be OK with a movie like this. Perhaps I'm ignorant of the process ?? Maybe studios don't get close to the details of the script, or see dailies, or are part of the editing process ?? :dunno

Or maybe they saw all of those things and liked what they saw?

This is more about what I mean, the idea that this movies is so fundamentally bad, that "there must be a systemic problem with Disney or the studio system," and not simply a case of "I just didn't like it."
Or maybe they saw all of those things and liked what they saw?

This is more about what I mean, the idea that this movies is so fundamentally bad, that "there must be a systemic problem with Disney or the studio system," and not simply a case of "I just didn't like it."

I'll be the first to admit I personally didn't like it. Which is OK. However I am by no means in the minority if you read any threads here, or on any Star Wars site. My point is that if so many people (Mark Hamill included) are outing their "disappointment" I'm surprised Disney or the "studio system" didn't see at least some of the problems people are listing and do something.

But yes, there is the chance that all of them loved it and saw nothing wrong with it.
Totally agree. I think I have seen "disappointment" as being the main driver towards peoples "hate" (as so many people like to brand it). Certainly applies to me. I was so disappointed and shocked that a studio like Disney could be OK with a movie like this. Perhaps I'm ignorant of the process ?? Maybe studios don't get close to the details of the script, or see dailies, or are part of the editing process ?? :dunno

In any case, it makes it very easy for me to not get any merchandise or Hot Toys from this film.

I think it is about what Star Wars means. These aren't just your average Marvel or Disney films, consisting of disposable entertainment. Not simply a "if it sucks just wait for the next one" situation. These films are part of our cultural legacy. Modern day Greek myths. And these heroes that defined that legacy have entered our cultural consciousness as part of that legacy. They represent who we are as a people. What we aspire to. The values we hold. The prequels were disasters no doubt, but to their credit they at least kept that same spirit and values as the originals

It may seem silly, but these can't be dismissed as "just movies" anymore than "The Odyssey" could be dismissed as "Just a book". To see that those icons deconstructed and tossed aside to make room for a soulless corporate product; a bland and uninspiring series of images designed for nothing more than selling toys, promoting sustainable corporate self-interest, and advancing political agendas (with being a quality film or having any sense of sincerity not a huge priority), it goes beyond simply being disappointed. That disappointment feels more like disrespect. Disrespect for those in charge not respecting their job as caretakers of out culture.