Thanks for the heads up!Ordered aswell, don't wanna miss out on this.
Well, guess these excessive prices are here to stay if stuff still sells out...
Thanks for the heads up!Ordered aswell, don't wanna miss out on this.
Thanks for the heads up!Ordered aswell, don't wanna miss out on this.
750 ES is pretty damn low
The recent introduction of their payment plan throws a wrench on any speculation.
Why? Can't people just save up and pay when it ships?
No, for some weird reason, people can't.
Not being sarcastic, but if I have learned anything in my time collecting is that a Flex Pay all of the sudden makes a $1,000 piece affordable when there is an option to break up payments. It's mostly psychological but it is what it is. Consider the longest Flex Pay Weta is offering goes into months after the piece is due to come out. So it's half Flex Pay and half Lay Away.
BBTS sold out of their allocation so may be it's a page from Sideshow's book or may be it isn't.
I won't knock the payment plan. A smaller nut to crack over an extended period helps, mentally and financially (emotionally..?). This hobby is crazy expense then and especially now.
I have both the battle Troll and Thranduil on order with Grond already home. That's a record for me on $'s spent or committed in a short time span.
That is exactly my point, it doesn't help financially(and can actually cost you MORE if you don't pay off your card every month), it only tricks you into thinking it does.
It's a magnificent piece of sculpture that's for sure, and even at this price I'm tempted.
That's assuming it's on credit (and not being paid for in due time), if it's dierect from a bank account that's a different story. There's a reason the flex pay option is there, SSC & now Weta. Everyone's circumstances are different along with their priorities, financial or otherwise.
I'll pay for Thranduil and Troll in full once it ships, I decided not to go with the payment plan. I have IG maquette with 1 flex left from SS, at the time it worked for me and I have no complaints. All this while trying to complete my Plymouth eventually.
I want this so badly! It's just so big! Not sure where I'd put it. But.......ME WANTIE!