Sideshow has alot of friggin nerve selling Ned for more than Threezero themselves are AND shipping? Man, **** that. It's not like they have the exclusive version. I wouldn't buy Ned from them if it was the last place to do it.

Sideshow has alot of friggin nerve selling Ned for more than Threezero themselves are AND shipping? Man, **** that. It's not like they have the exclusive version. I wouldn't buy Ned from them if it was the last place to do it.
Hound? Yeah, I can see them doing him. I think its likely at that. Mountain? Eeehhh.
A man can dream, right?
Unless Tyrion and Ned tank, Jaime, Dany and Jon are pretty much givens.
Sideshow has alot of friggin nerve selling Ned for more than Threezero themselves are AND shipping? Man, **** that. It's not like they have the exclusive version. I wouldn't buy Ned from them if it was the last place to do it.
I hope he's up for PO a little longer. Def need to get Ice with Ned but the funds ain't gonna be there for about another two weeks. Although it just means I'm not going to collect this line then since getting Ned w/Ice is the basis of me getting Tyrion. I just can't get one and not get the whole line. I'm too weak!!
Hahaha We share similar taste!I have a confession to make. I was definitely NOT going to get this, as even though I liked the character, his single season status just wasn't doing it for me - along with the less than stellar first photos of the head sculpt. But I've been sick this week with the flu and in a (likely) state of delirium, a couple of hours after seeing the pre-order email from Sideshow, I pulled the trigger on this last night from Three Zero directly. I also figure it's as good as anything for speculation if I decide to turn it around in a year or two.
So, as a big fan of the show, but thinking that I wouldn't be collecting figures from this line because the cast is just overwhelmingly good and vast, I've now got two of them on pre-order. WTF.
Stick with the line, more buys equal more figures.
Who are you hoping to see made?
That's two of the problems right there.I don't want to collect a ton of figures from a single line (Star Wars is the exception) and there are so many really good characters and so many great looks, it's nearly impossible for me to choose. I had an easy time with Tyrion for a few reasons. It was the first and only figure announced (for a while) and it's my favorite character. Some additional help came from the uniqueness of the figure from a stature perspective and the fact I'm also a fan of Peter Dinklage as an actor.
So I could probably list every character on the show… and still be left with more questions than answers. I suppose that given these two, I'd feel OK also displaying a Jon Snow, even though I wouldn't be able to recreate or mimic any scene from the show. I think I'd also like to see Arya made - again, it would make a very unique figure in my collection.
@pixelpiper Not sure why a single season status character would bother anyone, but I'm glad you picked up Ned. The more purchases the better for this line. I'm terrified this line will die an early death with so many better character then Jon Blow and White Walker to be made. It's hard hard to tell with this line.