Super Freak
I think the Hound came out pretty good...the rest....not so much.
Wow! Like night and day!
I actually reviewed Tyrion pretty highly (except for his hands) so it made it extra disappointing that every release has dropped worse and worse quality wise. A company should get better not worse.
You can’t even blame the cheap price because a company like QMX who misses their fair share of the mark also hits it strong many times too. A comperable price and even comes with stands unlike these figures (though it can be argued that the intricacy of the outfits is where the money goes)
They should stick to their armored figures. I’m not an expert in those but what I’ve seen looked good.
I’ve also stated that I think hot toys has declined overall in quality, and no company is perfect but in my estimation aside from Hot Toys, Blitzway and the now seemingly defunt Enterbay are the only ones who are coming close to the hot toys level. The price reflects it yes, but when you are spending over 150 for a figure it becomes moot. You might as well just stick to NECA figures or the like. And a lisence as high quality and publically acclaimed as the Walking Dead and especially GOT deserve better treatment.
They knocked it out of the park with the prototype and not being able to deliver on that is truly shameful. You could almost argue it’s false advertisement.
Say what you will but I firmly believe that if something differs that strongly from the prototype on a hot toy in most cases it’s actuslly improved upon based either on customer input or their own desire to improve
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I mean LOOK at this compared with what we are now receiving. I have no words.
The drop off in quality is off the charts. There’s no defending this sadly.
In all honesty that prototype still wasn't perfect but it was very good and should be the minimum that Threezero should be giving us for this price point. I will be writing Threezero a very angry letter on facebook and think everyone else should do the same because they need to know that what they are doing is totally unacceptable.
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Have they given any defense or explanation about it yet? I looked through some FB comments but couldn't find any response from them.
why isnt hot toys doing GOT? lol