Hopefully Threezero’s sculpt is neckless
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Ok I ordered the NP sculpt, now just waiting for someone else besides BBTS to put this up for preorder....
Preordered at BBTS. I have been hoping this would get made and looks awesome, i will get the NP sculpt and probably the fullmetal sword.
Preordered at BBTS. I have been hoping this would get made and looks awesome, i will get the NP sculpt and probably the fullmetal sword.
Fullmetal did a custom Longclaw. Full diecast and looks vastly superior to Threezero's longclaw. At least their first attempt at it.I second the question. What full metal sword?
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Ok I ordered the NP sculpt, now just waiting for someone else besides BBTS to put this up for preorder....
Where did you order the NP sculpt from? May I ask please?
Ordered the OneSixthKit head but just looked at the Threezero pics again, looks like the head and neck are one piece? Anyone got any ideas on how to attach the OSK head to this figure? Never customised anything on a figure before.
Ordered the OneSixthKit head but just looked at the Threezero pics again, looks like the head and neck are one piece? Anyone got any ideas on how to attach the OSK head to this figure? Never customised anything on a figure before.
After that I think I'm going to give this a pass and wait for Crow Jon