Got The Hound for close to retail price.
It was still available in a store here in Spain.
I also got Arya, and whereas Arya surprised me on the positive side, the Hound was a bit of a letdown.
Paintapps on the headsculpt are to blame.
It's the worst paintapp for a head in my collection for sure.
I have mostly Hot Toys, but also own a couple heads by Eleven, and one Sideshow Luke (helmeted).
I knew the swords were not die cast beforehand, but it was still a letdown. Especially after checking out needle, which I would say it is die cast.
The size is good, the rooted hair is good, articulation is good, the armor is impressively accurate. But the armor in the neck area is of a poor quality, it feels a bit like cardboard.
Overall it is a good figure. I just hoped it was better.
Arya level paintapps, a better quality neck area armor, and a die cast sword would have made this figure almost perfect.