ThreeZero Game of Thrones!

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Yes, the next figure SHOULD be Dany, but I wouldn't be at all surprised if it ends up being a White Walker. Hopefully the Night's King.

I'm guessing a White Walker would wind its way through the approvals process a lot faster because it wouldn't need to be approved by the actor.

(Gotta pester my sources again ...)
The Hound is my favorite character as well and would love to see him next. Unfortunately I doubt we will see him made.... So sad.. So many great characters and the company that has the licence stinks at putting out product.
Their pace is enormously disappointing. Especially when you see a young upstart company like Asmus really cranking out figures in their Lord of the Rings line. Yes, they've had their growing pains, but they're really starting to hit their stride with their latest releases. 3Z just doesn't have the capacity for a license that could easily go 15 or 20 figures deep.
Their pace is enormously disappointing. Especially when you see a young upstart company like Asmus really cranking out figures in their Lord of the Rings line. Yes, they've had their growing pains, but they're really starting to hit their stride with their latest releases. 3Z just doesn't have the capacity for a license that could easily go 15 or 20 figures deep.

I've just picked up my first two Asmus LOTR figures. Eowyn isn't a standout piece by any stretch but better than I had read about. Saruman is a fantastic piece and with a simple coffee bath the detail on his clothing is really impressive from the results I've seen. I'll be trying it myself later today.
In terms of the tier of characters then I'm hoping for Dany next, if she isn't made I don't think I'll go back to pick up the others - although Jamie in armour is very tempting.
Yup, their handling of the license is completely baffling. Seriously, a Frankenstein from a movie that flopped both commercially and critically before the main characters (Danaerys? Arya?) of the most popular TV series ever for which you already have the license? Do these guys even have a marketing deparment? :gah:
It is a shame this licence is going at a snail's pace. It's even worse with TWD line.
We really need a Dany, The Hound, Brienne, Knight's King and Arya at the very least from this line.

I think they should skip Drogo for now because it's do far back and maybe it's a character they can go back to if there is enough interest.
To think... I was wanting a Joffrey when Jon was announced. Hahah at this point, I'll take anyone. But we may be on season 9 by the time they wrap up their season 1/2 line up.
i would be cool with a white walker next, give them time to work on the likeness of whatever the next human figure would be. also get some positive buzz for the line again cuz i think they will do a good job on the walker and the jon sculpt def got alot of flack.

dany, drogo or walker next i think, will be one of those IMO.
If the take some extra time to work on the likeness the next figure wont't be ready until 2020.. 😂

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They started teasing this line almost 2 1/2 years ago. So far, they've managed to pump (and I use that loosely, more like churn) out only 3 figures. That's just a little better than 1 figure a year.

Time to give the license to someone actually interested in making figures from this fantastic show.

For one reason or another, these guys just ain't getting it done. Only two (possibly truncated) seasons left! At this rate, we'll get 7-8 figs by the time it's all over.
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Yes and sales will only be at max potential while the show is still running and hyped.

Thus far the company and the line have just been a massive disappointment.

During the last couple seasons of the show, Jon snow went from being a dodo to one of the most iconic characters in any scifi/fantasy thing.

And three figures in threezero takes that opportunity, after squashing iminime's opportunity to make Jon mind you, and totally craps it up.

The head was the worst of the three the belt was the worst of the three... Even the outfit, while it was nice it wasn't a home run. Inaccurate parts and oversized boots/ hands even the fur part seemed like it should have been made out of an entirely different thing. I'm tempted to replace with my own Tibetan yak hair as what they gave him looks like mangy fuzz.

I just expect more from a license like this and company three figures deep after two years (which as said was no feat to brag about to put it lightly)
I forgot about the iminime fig that never was. That fig looked fantastic. I guess the silver lining is by the time I get this Jon Snow kitted out and customized, I'd have spent the same amount as I would had I got a chance to buy the iminime figure...except I'll still have oversized hands & boots :slap