Super Freak
Eyebrows need to be shortened as well as lightened, he looks like a Spaniard.
They prefer to be called Romulans.
Eyebrows need to be shortened as well as lightened, he looks like a Spaniard.
Im actually worried what he will look like with the cloak off. Will we see another giraffe neck IMINIME style....I keep looking at that, too. But I think it might be an optical illusion. The wolf pelt on his shoulders is really bulky and it's making his shoulders look bigger than they are, which makes his head look small. My guess is, if you take the cape off, the proportions would look okay.
I kinda wanted Tyrion but in the long run I think I'll pass on him. I'm interested in Ned if the price is decent... but what I really want is a "F the King" two-pack with the Hound and Arya.
I hope that second scabbard on the right comes off. I wonder if they'll include Ice's sheath, he never wore Ice as a side arm.
My ideal collection would have the Hound, Jaime Lannister, Jon Snow with Ghost, and Arya only if we first had the Hound to pair her with.
If only we knew who all was in the works... I was thinking if Hot Toys had this license we could expect big sets. A Joffrey DX set that included the Iron Throne and alternate poisoned head. Imagine how great they could get that smirk on the sculpt lol. Maybe a Daenarys set with all three dragons, season 3 size.
As much as I love both Marvel and DC, it's irritating how few shows and film franchises get licensed high end collectibles.Considering it's a fantasy property and not Marvel or DC, I don't know how many of those characters we'll actually see. Even HT has abandoned its fair share of lines.
As much as I love both Marvel and DC, it's irritating how few shows and film franchises get licensed high end collectibles.
A classic movies line that includes 007 and Clint Eastwood films, for example, would be awesome.
I'm glad this line seems to have a bit of momentum - with Tyrion having been so recent in ordering, and Ned already coming up, fingers crossed Jon Snow may be up for order sometime in 2015!
How much of a gap between product announcement and shipment is there with ThreeZero? Like Hot Toys' schedule?
That's not bad. With most HT figs it's the better part of a year in between.Tyrion was Announced in May/June up for PO June and supposed to be released Quarter 4 of this year. Most sites say December 2014. So 6 months.