I don't know if I'm in any minority here, but I really like Joffrey as a villain and would like a figure of him on the shelf along with the rest of the cast.
Fixed. And how could I forget Khal Drogo and YgritteJorah should be listed in others really....
Looks great!
So... so far ThreeZero has the new Robocop film, TWD, and GoT on their plate? GoT alone sounds very ambitious. I've no doubt they could offer us great likenesses and tailoring, but I hope they don't go biting more than they could chew and just focus on what they have on their plate now so the line could go a long way. Getting a lot of GoT goodness from them would be epic. Oh I bet a 1/6 little Tyrion would be big on the shelf, presence-wise.
Unless they get a license to do Arrow, Huntress, Black Canary, Deathstroke, costumed Merlyn (and perhaps the new super-hero they're going to introduce soon). I would love some high-quality Arrow figures too.
In one sentence you're afraid they are stretching themselves too thin and then in another you're hoping they add ANOTHER TV show to their licenses
Damn! Why must they must have such variety of cool costumes?If they ever make a figure of Jaime I wonder which armor/clothing will they go for: he has the kingsguard armor, the lannister battle armor and that cool costume that he wore when he fought Ned.