Re: ThreeZero Toys: 1:6 AMC's The Walking Dead
The QC issues are unfortunate but definitely not the norm. I can think of One of the Bats and ED 209. Weigh that against the total number of 1/6 products released and it's negligible. Those are the only ones of which I am aware.
DX Batman, Spider-Man's broken shoulders, the SDCC EX BB Batman's broken ankles, ED 209's rotting visor (both old and new), the webbing on the SM2 Spidey, the paint peeling issues with their second Begins Batman, Comedian's rotting suit, West Batman's snagging issues, the first Tumbler release arriving with the spoilers broken and/or lights not working, Predator 1's light-up mask not working, etc. The company has had it's fair share of lemons.
Re customer service, I have no experience with that so while I can't really offer an opinion, that fact that I've never had to deal with HT customer service speaks for itself.
Not really, it makes you either more accepting or lucky. Those of us who had to post pics on their website of rotting figures, only to have the editor of MILK contact us and give us an email which HT would either answer or ignore, would completely disagree. That's those of us who got through. Several were just left to suffer.
And your last argument on prices and re-releases is Unpersuasive IMO. The prices keep going up because the demand keeps going up. It's like saying the high cost of a Mercedes will be the end of Mercedes. If Mercedes made the prices the same as Honda they would be competitive. Just doesn't make sense for me if I understand your argument correctly. Demand for HT stuff is BOOMING. That's what driving the prices.
One look at all the HT stuff IN STOCK on SSC's website and other websites, as well as retailers now requiring deposits and NRDs completely proves my point.
Same goes for re-releases. Most ppl want re-releases to pick up older figures that are now out of their budget. Again, that goes to demand. And why should HT let the aftermarket reap big profits on sold out items?

No. Some don't mind re-releases, but I'm willing to bet those who already own the originals would completely disagree. And FYI, high aftermarket prices brought on by piqued interest and the need to own generate considerably more interest than oversaturation. It's business 101.
The demise of Ht comes in one of two ways IMO: 1. They run out of cool stuff to make. Ex- they've made every Terminator figure I could ever want. The license is maxed out for me. If that happens across the board, I have no more need for their products. Or 2. Someone else (like Three Zero) starts making comparable products more cheaply. Good ol' competition drives prices down and quality up. That's why I was glad to see companies expand into sports and tv (where HT has no presence) to establish themselves as solid companies. When other companies show they can compete on the same level, the licenses won't be as easily obtained.
While I agree that competition ends in better product, ATM, they have none. Their demise will be of their own doing, at their own hands, not anything Enterbay, Medicom, ThreeZero or anybody else offers. That's not to say they don't turn out excellent product, they do (which is subjective anyway). But I just don't see anybody closing that gap.