Arent 3A prices usually high though??
nahhh they are really low, like shockingly low for what you get but this line is by threezero so its hard to say how they will be priced as of yet.
tho i imagine the license wasnt cheap.....but in saying that Kim keeps the 3A prices down so will prolly follow through with these. hoping so at least.
he has been in the toy making game now for years, can see a pic of a 1/6 fig threezero did wayyy back here.
got 100% confidence in this line based on Kims rep and experience. will be amazing, im sold on those pets for sure, bring on michonne with metal katana!
Is 3Zero an American company? Because the canceled Old Man figure specifically said an American company had the license for 1/6. So if they're not American, its still possible Sideshow could have the license too. Either way the Pets look great and I'm looking forward to finding out more!
threezero is based out of hong kong and have been since their start so yeah maybe another company like ss has it as well??dunno how licensing works really to be honest.
That's what I thought. Its still possible Sideshow has the license too then. These could very well be Hong Kong only like the LotR license with ACI and Asmus is split up.