ThreeZero Toys: 1:6 AMC's The Walking Dead Michonne's Pet Walkers

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Re: ThreeZero Toys: AMC's The Walking Dead

I personally think both of these sculpts are as nice as we've seen from either character. Maybe just a slight bit stylized, but captures the characters perfectly.

Ill agree with you on Daryl but there is a Merle sculpt floating around that is out of this world. I know Ski painted one a couple months back.

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Re: ThreeZero Toys: AMC's The Walking Dead

Merle still looks a bit weak... but a major improvement over the other prototype. Daryl looks very good though, so hopefully most sculpts will be on the Daryl level.

And Mere isn't terrible... just a bit too passive for that character and not as much fine detail as possible.

It's all about the price though. :wink1:
Re: ThreeZero Toys: AMC's The Walking Dead

I think it's been said that Rick and Michonne are being worked on.
Re: ThreeZero Toys: AMC's The Walking Dead

Not me, but I can see that one being done first. I can skip the sheriff look altogether. My least favorite. I don't want a freshly shaven, just out the shower, in neat pressed clothes Rick. I want dirty, unshaven half crazed with grief Rick. Season 2 will be just as welcome though.
Re: ThreeZero Toys: AMC's The Walking Dead

Well damn, I'm torn. Not sure if I would buy all versions of Rick or not. :lol I probably would if they are $130 a piece.
Re: ThreeZero Toys: AMC's The Walking Dead

Not me, but I can see that one being done first. I can skip the sheriff look altogether. My least favorite. I don't want a freshly shaven, just out the shower, in neat pressed clothes Rick. I want dirty, unshaven half crazed with grief Rick. Season 2 will be just as welcome though.

I hear ya. I already have the dirty and bloodied Rick. But, really dig the Sherif uniformed Rick as well.
Re: ThreeZero Toys: AMC's The Walking Dead

$130,huh? I keep hearing that number thrown around and I'm not saying I don't believe gimbat but I will remain cautious. I'm not getting my hopes up. You don't hear of high end figures from a hot license like the Walking Dead going for that kind of money anymore. I'll believe it when I see it.

But I sure hope they are.
Re: ThreeZero Toys: AMC's The Walking Dead

Tell me about it! I am very apprehensive too. I feel like it will be more like $190 per figure.
Re: ThreeZero Toys: AMC's The Walking Dead

Not me, but I can see that one being done first. I can skip the sheriff look altogether. My least favorite. I don't want a freshly shaven, just out the shower, in neat pressed clothes Rick. I want dirty, unshaven half crazed with grief Rick. Season 2 will be just as welcome though.

I always thought the sheriff outfit was just more S1 Rick is weathered filthy and sweaty and looks more like he does towards the end of S1:


That being said, a later version, with button down shirt and jeans will be cool too.
Re: ThreeZero Toys: AMC's The Walking Dead

Don't forget Season 4 Rick with full beard.
Re: ThreeZero Toys: AMC's The Walking Dead

That must be a banana in his boxers...I don't think its Andrew Lincoln.
Re: ThreeZero Toys: AMC's The Walking Dead

Hmmm will keep an eye on these,looking good so far.
Re: ThreeZero Toys: AMC's The Walking Dead

The Merle sculpt looks good but the customs sculpts of Daryl that are out there capture Reedus better imo. This one has too wide of a jawline.