Super Freak
site is still slow or down all together. I still can't preview half the stuff that is "up."
Order Summary
Date Placed: 2009-05-01 01:32:41
Subtotal: $294.99
Tax (Est.): $0.00
Ship (Est.): $9.89
Grand Total: $304.88
Order Summary
Date Placed: 2009-05-01 01:32:41
Subtotal: $294.99
Tax (Est.): $0.00
Ship (Est.): $9.89
Grand Total: $304.88
Which one did you order?
Should have used Bowens site. You could have saved $30-$40.
Thursday newsletter. What will we see? Error messages over error messages.
Warning: mysql_connect(): Can't create a new thread (errno 35). If you are not out of available memory, you can consult the manual for a possible OS-dependent bug in /usr/home/sites/ on line 18
Warning: mysql_connect(): Can't create a new thread (errno 35). If you are not out of available memory, you can consult the manual for a possible OS-dependent bug in /usr/home/sites/ on line 6
cant find that database
Man, I really have better things to do at 3:30 AM. Good night.
Error establishing a database connection
Yeah I need a membership soon...
Nice! Congrats. Can I order a membership to your museum now and cash in on a pre-order discount?
what museum
The Museum. You know.....
It's easy. Just print out the order form, and fax it to them along with your signature. Then call them the next day to confirm your order. I was hesitant at first too and thought it would be complicated; it wasn't.
da beast that this forum has unleashed?
Exactly. The Beast! I'm requesting a lifetime membership. I could even do van tours around your property.
From now on I'll refer to the museum as "the beast"