Something Sexy
Super Freak
Read the new Ask Sideshow, the address the DD PF in there.
Question: The latest Elektra Comiquette is one in a line of disturbing trend with Sideshow’s Marvel line. Since Sideshow has already announced two dedicated lines to Marvel females Brooks and Adam Hughes, and now also Cho, one would have assumed that Sideshow would revert on the comiquette and PF line to the more classic Marvel collectors who have been crying out for a Daredevil PF, yet we get a 3rd rate character from the DD comic line. This is also the second sculpt of Elektra, same with White Queen. Would Sideshow not be better off releasing characters that have not appeared in either line instead or repeating themselves? I love your product, but you’re on the verge of losing me as a Marvel collector. What is it with you guys and all the female characters? Marvel did not make their name on female characters. It was the males who sold comics.
Answer: It’s a fair question, and the answer may be somewhat lengthy - please forgive us! Here goes:
In the past, we at Sideshow have been reluctant to share much about our in-progress product planning and development endeavors, choosing instead to wait and reveal finished prototypes. We feared that you might find it frustrating if we shared early information about our projects, because our development process is quite long and our success depends on many factors, including licensing approvals, artistic interest and availability, smooth development including mold making and casting, and more. And, on rare occasion, projects hit significant roadblocks, forcing us to rethink or restart them.
After much thought and discussion at Sideshow HQ, we’ve reached the unanimous decision to share more with you about our process and our planning, to give you a bit more insight into what we’re working on, and explain a bit more about why we do the things we do. Ask us your questions, and we’ll do our best to answer them.
All of that is a big setup to tell you the simple truth - in 2008 we began development on a Daredevil project that was planned for release in 2009, and the project went awry. We’re adept at working through development roadblocks, but this unfortunate project hit snags at every stage - concept, sculpture execution, fabrication - that slowed the development tremendously. Each project has its unique challenges, and we do some pretty unique problem solving. We learned a LOT from the exercise on this attempt, but ultimately we were forced to abandon the project in favor of a fresh start. Our success rate is very high, but we can’t hit the Bullseye every time!
That’s the bad news.
The good news is this - we went back to the drawing board, and a new Daredevil project is in the works. It is too early to make promises about the reveal or delivery dates, but we will share progress with you as we are able to.
We don’t feel it necessary to defend the Marvel female products - there is an avid collector base for those lovely ladies. Rest assured that we are not choosing to produce more Marvel women over Daredevil. We do not develop projects linearly - many artists and development staff members are working on dozens, if not 100+, of projects simultaneously. Not all of them are Marvel - the same staff works on many different product lines - and you could as easily argue that Daredevil was delayed because of Dr. Zaius - but it isn’t really true.
We are reading the forums, the e-mails, and the comments left on our site, and we do pay attention to recurring names for Marvel characters in fan ‘want lists’. We have added several projects to our 2010 plan based on that feedback. Other factors also play into our release planning, including artistic interest and success in the design phase - if Adam Hughes, Mark Brooks, Frank Cho, or any Sideshow staff member has a fantastic product idea, we’re very likely to say YES and begin work immediately!
The artistic process has its pros and cons, but we think the end results are worth the trials and tribulations. We really do enjoy the work. We do appreciate your patience - there’s truly no character that we refuse to do (not even Jar Jar, to the chagrin of many, although this is not a hint that we’re working on a Binks PF!). We are listening, we do adjust our plans based on the feedback we receive, and we do want to get your favorite characters into production ASAP!
You guys do realize that they capitalized the word Bullseye; I wonder if they are hinting or implying that it is a proper noun. Daredevil fans may be getting another PF or comiquette here soon.![]()
Something, you read my mind. I just found this in the 'Ask Sideshow' Answers section on the SS website as well:
And I would like to formerly thank the sir or madam who addressed this issue with Sideshow and furthermore, I would like to thank the SS representative who chose to answer this question and publish it on the website. If either of you are members here, I would like to add you to my friend's list because both of you are well-deserving for your efforts to bring a Daredevil Premium Format piece to life.![]()
Thank you and goodnight.
You guys do realize that they capitalized the word Bullseye; I wonder if they are hinting or implying that it is a proper noun. Daredevil fans may be getting another PF or comiquette here soon.![]()
You guys do realize that they capitalized the word Bullseye; I wonder if they are hinting or implying that it is a proper noun. Daredevil fans may be getting another PF or comiquette here soon.![]()
Yeah, I saw that, but I'm just glad they recognized that a DD and Cyclops piece is in demand by the fans.
Holy crap that was very well said Chap
You guys do realize that they capitalized the word Bullseye; I wonder if they are hinting or implying that it is a proper noun. Daredevil fans may be getting another PF or comiquette here soon.![]()
The latest Elektra Comiquette is one in a line of disturbing trend with Sideshow’s Marvel line.
quick question: I want to order the Mezco Toyz Freddy Krueger, but then I was thinking these available at some retail stores. or am I wrong? I THINK I've seen them at Spencer's or Hot Topic before. Can someone chime in on that? Hate to pay for shipping when I could pick it up at the mall![]()
...but hopefully the FUBARed Daredevil statue will make way for a Cyclops PF/Comiquette.![]()
Correction: Daredevil AND Cyclops!!!![]()
In fact, I think now is the time I should come forth and make the following announcement:
I'm proud to announce that Team Daredevil AND Team Cyclops with be running mates in the 2009/2010 "Race for the Premium Format" Campaign. This is a big day for both Team DD, Team Cyclops/X-Men, and their fans. I'm proud that I could be apart of this very big announcement on such a special night. I will be answering any and all questions you may have in the lobby at 10:15 PM EST.
Again, thank you all and good night.
Honestly, the only board member that I know who is very happy with Sideshow's releases over the last year is Black Cat; I think Mesa may like them as well. I didn't write that letter, but the person said what a whole lot of fans were thinking. I can't wait for for a Daredevil PF or comiquette...