looks like the 1/2 IM next week:
Well, this time next week we will know if any new Marvel comiquettes or PFs are on the horizon and, most likely, people will have posted pics of them.
I'm hoping for a glimpse at the Gambit PF!
Like I said before, I'm not a huge Gambit fan, but hey, this is Gambit we're talking about here. How can you pass up a Gambit Premium Format piece?!?!Unless there's some extreme circumstance, I can't foresee myself letting this one go.
Layoff ur G ride and stop riding the Gambit could everywhere![]()
What does this mean????
Now, I have the strange urge to quote the SS Freak Creed....![]()
Yup, Ski has lost it....![]()
Skiman attacks!
Make it stop! MAKE IT STOP!![]()
U brought him out, now I can't get him to go back in the closet.