Super Freak
Pretty much what the comiquettes are no?
Yeah those are awesome statues man! Pretty rare now though
Pretty much what the comiquettes are no?
Nice!throw in the NECA TMNT in the group shot
haha....I didn't even think about that. Those guys are in a case in my Detolf cabinet.
Man love the new Nickelodeon turtles. I haven't had one since '91. Was not expecting this level of awesomeness from Playmates. Got all four for $16 with multiple TRU's $5 off coupon too!
Wow! $16 for all four Turtles! What coupon are you using? Care to share, thinking of getting the 12" TMNT
Picked up Shredder for my son tonight since he was asking for a bad guy for his TMNT. And got me a Splinter for my collection.
The $5 coupon was on their facebook page. Looks like they took it down early. Keep checking though, they were suppose to expire 8/16.
Thanks, didn't see it. But is that the coupon that you have to spend $25 to get $5 off? How'd you get all four turtles for $16
Straight $5 off. $9-$5= $4, did that 4 times.
Still no classics here in Jersey, dissapointing as I really want to see them in person and make sure I get a set w/o wonky eyes.
I'm in south Jersey, Voorhees, about 20 minutes from Philly.
I'm in south Jersey, Voorhees, about 20 minutes from Philly.
Pretty impressive first wave. Can't wait to see Metalhead and Leatherhead.