To Flip or not to Flip....

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    Votes: 52 68.4%

    Votes: 24 31.6%

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Fritz said:
This is against my better judgement but seeing as this thread is derailed and I wouldn't expect anything less from a thread titled "To Flip or not to Flip..."... (please forgive me Dave)

Would the Kurgan be opposed to flipping? :angelsmil :monkey3
The Kurgan would have his ebay auction up before he even preordered.
Example of Kuragn ebay auction:

Sideshow 12" Darth Vader Exclusive! Expected to ship some time in the futrue!!

Exclusive item:????
Edition size:????
Release date:????

Buy It Now....$500.00

Starting Bid....$499.99

Thats how the Kurgan would do it.
Fritz said:
Two hypothetical situations...

a) Scalpy McFlip buys a figure. It shows up and he doesn't like it. It's selling for 3x the original amount on eBay. Is he a bad guy if he sells it for the going rate?

b) Flippa Scalpioni buys a figure. It shows up and she doesn't like it. It's selling for 1/4 the original amount on eBay. Is she a bad girl if she sells it for the going rate?

:peace :grouphug

We now return to a civil discussion...

I think most of us have agreed that once it is in your hands, it is yours to do with as you please; some of us just don't like the idea of selling pre-orders before you have them. In both the cases you presented, they have already received the item and in both cases, they did not purchase with the pure intent of selling, but instead discovered they didn't like the item. So in both cases, I would not call them flippers or scalpers; they just decided to sell an item they didn't like, and the secondary market dictated the selling price. Nothing wrong with that in either case.
I do not buy to "flip" at all.

I don't have any problem with people who buy something because they want it and then make a profit by selling it later.

I do have a bit of a problem with those who buy JUST to flip it for profit. There are a limited number of pieces to go around and it makes it hard for those of us that want a piece when we have to compete with "flippers" to get them.

Again, I think it's ok if your taste changes and you sell item later and you make a profit, but I don't like those who buy it with every intention of never displaying it and listing it on ebay a month later to make money.

Just my opinion.
Buttmunch said:
I agree Pix. If you originally buy the item for yourself and then when it comes, you don't like it, need the money, or want to switch for another piece, then Flipping is OK. If you bought it just to sell (scalping) then that is wrong. My brother once bought a Jason exclusive figure. When it came he didn't like it or wanted it anymore so he sold it on ebay and made a little money. He then used this money to buy something else from Sideshow. In the end, everyone was happy... I think. :eek:

That's pretty much my thoughts on it. I sold a few SS/Weta pieces in order to afford the higher end pieces like Legolas/Gimli on Arod. I don't think that is wrong.
lcummins said:
We now return to a civil discussion...

Not on my watch.....


I have a question. What if I buy something to flip, keep it for a few months to see what the market value is and then sell it. Is it still flipping?
I'm a notorious 1/6 flipper and have flipped a few SS pieces as well. To be honest most of my SS flipping has been break even or loss. I see nothing wrong with it. Capitalism at it's most basic.
A quick question to the Great Shai...

Say that the Jason Pt3 you just sold to a member for $60 was taken right away and flipped on eBay for $200. Wouldn't that bug you just a little bit? Even though its there's to do with as they wish... dontcha think it'd still be a d*ck move?
galactiboy said:
A quick question to the Great Shai...

Say that the Jason Pt3 you just sold to a member for $60 was taken right away and flipped on eBay for $200. Wouldn't that bug you just a little bit? Even though its there's to do with as they wish... dontcha think it'd still be a d*ck move?

Doesnt bother me at all....I could sell him on ebay if I wanted,but getting tired of that machine I prefer to sell it here, to the freaks..They can do whatever they want with it.. ...I would even consider it a bold move,Flipping some stuff received by the Great Worm....
I've decided my SSE 1/4 Mummy will go on eBay this Sunday with a starting bid of £0.01 and no reserve.

I'd love to keep him but I need to move out. So money is big problem at the moment.

PsychoCenobite :monkey5