Toht 12-inch Figure

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Ok, sorry. No, no. I got your screename mixed up with Woo-Killer (or whatever) I think.

I do remember you mostly as Toht thou.

I do remember you mostly as Toht thou.


It's funny, I always associate people by the I've kept mine consistent because of that. I remember when Tomandshell first changed his was just wrong, it wasn't Luke, it wasn't Tom anymore for me.

Not sure why I chose such a whimpy and gross character as Toht... but I'm sticking with him. :D
Because Toht is awsome?

First Hellboy from HT, now freaking TOHT! Yeeeey!

I hope the melty head isnt an exclusive...but it would be the first I go out of my way to order...
It's funny, I always associate people by the I've kept mine consistent because of that.

I hear ya, and I agree. That's why I have been Jack Bauer for a few years now.

I'm still trying to get used to Madden821, not only changing his name to Darth Madden, but changing his avatar from Woody (Toy Story) to Vader.

If this comes with the melty head it'll get me right back into this line.
Wow! I'm very surprised! I think I bought into all the talk around the forum about ending the Indy line! I'm glad there's at least this new announcement! I hope the coat hanger is standard, though. And I'm not sure how they would be able to pull off a melty head. At which point during the melt would they depict? Just smack in mid-melt?
Sadly this figure probably will end the Indy line.

The likeness is off.

Why are they pulling a "Hasbro" and trying to stick with one film at a time when we all know they won't make it past Raiders?

And hey--it is the first pic, so we'll see.

I've just been especially gun-shy about SS lately, and I'm less than excited about Toht being the newest figure in a rapidly-fading line.

I know..."waaaahhhhh"