This figure is a must really for me as a fan of Indy. I've passed on several SW items so I could keep enough money in my budget ....
That's the spirit! A true fan!

This figure is a must really for me as a fan of Indy. I've passed on several SW items so I could keep enough money in my budget ....
That's the spirit! A true fan!
Sorry for you guys that have to let this one go.
But if you really need that 3rd Joker, so be it.
If SSC doesn't correct the ARK ( Hello SSC?!!!) I'm cancelling the EX and will pick up a Reg down the line.![]()
I'm guessing if he's coming out this soon (whe'd he debut, like December/January?) that nothing was changed on the Ark.
I do fear that as well. Doesn't seem like enough time to make all those adjustments.
But my major gripe was the tapestry pattern on the poles. If that's fixed, I'll be satisfied enough.
One can only hope that we see somes pics during this month. They do have a lot of time to show us any progress. I hope they do.
I guess I'll go ahead and throw this question out in the Ask Sideshow section. Couldn't hurt.
I'm tempted to let Toht and the Ark go. I really wanted the Ark, and Toht was kinda cool (unlike the average Belloq), but with so many bills.. and I just forked out for the Idol Enviroment, and got Vader coming whenever that is... AND i want that damn Joker dx.... not sure I can go for this too.
The innacuracies on the Ark always bugged me, but I knew it woudl stilll look like a cook piece on a shalf wth a spotlight on it.... but I'll never pose Indy with it. My Indy has his place with the Idol environment now.
I'll have to decide about this.. when's it supposed to be out again? (and when was Vader for that matter lol)
I can assure you that we try very hard to get production pics posted before processing begins. With 12-inch figures that is usually very possible, as the factories send those samples about 2-3 weeks before the production run arrives at the warehouse. We are expecting Toht samples (if they send them ahead of time) in about 2 weeks and have it on the list to be shot![]()