Super Freak
I really liked TR13, and she definitely fits the mold for that Lara. She's a damn talented actress, too, so, I dig this. I will see this. I hope it breaks the curse of mediorrible video game movies.
Thank god they didn't go with that Daisy chick.
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I think this movie will benifit with a gritty more realistic approach. She may not fit the original Lara look, but she can act. And any movie with Walton Groggins as the villain is a good idea.
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I love Vikander, but that looks horrible.
Exactly, and her anatomy isn't even showing like she is actually hanging, and that hand on her stomach just ruined it. Would have been a cool shot, if they added some thought to it.It does...totally bad shot to give to EW to show.
You can 100% tell she's being hung up on looks so unnatural and she looks totally relaxed.
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I enjoyed the games, and I love Vikander, so I'm giving it the benefit of the doubt, but I'll watch it during a 5.00 matinee showing.I have no desire to see this
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It's not console exclusive.current console version
It does...totally bad shot to give to EW to show.
You can 100% tell she's being hung up on looks so unnatural and she looks totally relaxed.