Think you mean spiderman tony//
Think you mean spiderman tony//
Amazing Tony!!
Any plan for a Venom suit ??
I have opened up an interest thread for the spiderman related characters. As soon as Tony finishes symbiote Spidey,Spidey 2099 and mcfarlane Spidey then he'll start work on superior spiderman. Venom (both Eddie and flash) is on my list so if superior does well then maybe we can do more spiderman (Kaine,miles,Ben, some villains) figs. The forum is seriously lacking in comic figures.Amazing Tony!!
Any plan for a Venom suit ??
Yes and it's part of the plan if you sculpt a good nasty Venom head : )
I always though the points of toothpicks would work as teeth for Venom. Don't mind sharing that idea as I do not think I will get around to making a venom myself.
Nice sculpt, but everytime I see this style, I only see angry duck!
Orgasm!!! Looks amazing! Will you make Bullseye?