I am hoping that the new figures (especially the PF ones) will be released at a slowish pace, to allow for credit card recovery in between. But apart from that, I'd be quite happy if they went on making LOTR ad infinitum.
Never too much LOTR. Yes, if you are a completionist that must have every LOTR collectible ever made (not just Sideshow), than your wallet will be hurting. I agree that if you pick and choose your favorite ones you will be happy without spending too much. I myself do not plan to be a PF and 12" LOTR competionist. But, I have not given up on the Polystone with just 48 more to go.
I've only bought what I liked so far (and a few I had to skip because of lack of cash). No reason to stop with that course of action. I'll be getting some PF's and a few 12" figs. I will especially be looking forward to the 12" figs. I really hope they will look good. Especially because they will have to compete with both the PF's and the Weta items.
I'm afraid SSC is trying to get the last drop out of the can by making a 12" LOTR line. They are milking the LOTR liscence to the max. But you can't blame them: there is clearly an audinace BEGGING them to deliver! Oh btw: SSC, I think the collectors would easily pay $100 for every single figure. $50 to $75 is way to cheap!
I'll be really happy to have a sense of completion after the statues have arrived, and not go crazy with all this new stuff. I can recover and earn money instead! Heehee. But I'll be very interested to follow these two new lines and choose what I like. Hopefully I won't get hooked....the only reason I get hooked to new lines of SSW is because of the Weta side of it......Sideshow had nothing to do with the movie so MAYBE I can more easily hold off on these!