Better late than never I guess.
Earlier today I experienced the perfect marriage of nostalgia moving forward.
The first one has huge levels of cheese and charm which is unique and hard to beat and it doesn’t have to be topped for the new one to be as good because modern times dictates that the new one be way more serious in tone and it worked perfectly.
For being 3 weeks out the screen was actually normal size not one of those real small screens the size of my tv so it was still worth it and discounted no less!
OK so I went into this already knowing the main spoiler, that Kilmer was back, but I didn’t know how and I also didn’t know if Mav was going to die at the end or not.
BUT what I didn’t know was that the freaking Tomcat was making not just an appearance but also be flown by Mav and Rooster…..holy crap what a spectacular goosebump ending (get it lol)!
That Miles actor actually carried himself in a goofy at times manner like Anthony Edwards did which was perfect!
Holy crap one of my favorite scenes was was when Mav shot the missile at that bogey and he pulled that crazy maneuver and then he blew by their window and they said WTF holy crap not only was I laughing but I liked it that they gave these unknown enemies an extra layer of character and menace that was missing from the first one.
I went in with moderate expectations on the new crew and yeah while they could never replace the chemistry from the original it didn’t hurt the movie either.
The movie is definitely made whole by that 3rd act and obviously also Kilmer’s heart tugging cameo and perfectly written into the story I might add!
I guess I wish there was some air vs tank combat but i’m being picky here now.
Oh and it made 400 million domestic in 3 weeks which is HALF the time DS2 needed to arrive at 400 million domestic which was 6 weeks!
Don’t feel bad for DS2 it made nearly 1,000,000,000 lol
My wife sat this one out it was just my son and I and he loved it. He watched the original and said it was cool which means just OK in his vernacular lol
I need this movie in my collection ASAP at 16k 3D!