It's bbkills head recast.But likness in hand(original sculp) is weak...
I hope also Ford?Great work! If we can get these printed in the right scale I have a few people who may be able to cast them.
Furiosa/Vickers pretty much done, still thinking about Aeon hair style. It could probably be printed on an SLA printer but I don't know about casting thin details at that scale. Still going to sculpt the hair, but it'll be a separate piece for reference just in case. Real hair would be best I think but I'm far from being an expert on 1/6 scale figures.
(Aeon shown with temp hair)
View attachment 194768
Real hair would be nice, though it not everyone would be keen to having their 1/6 figures with real hair and if I am not mistaken, a custom wig for a 1/6 custom head can be pricey.