Super Freak
Gido if you want all these characters made I think you have to commission Toshi or even someone else to do them. You can't expect Toshi to do these all for free.Great to hear.But again about Hogen-Craftone sculpt is quiet off (specially with hat)-now decent likness head for this figure will be even more needfull...
BBKill made a Collateral Cruise sculpt.
Cult King also did an awesome Last Samurai sculpt
Yes. Very true but can these still be obtained? If Toshi did him, it would be available to everyone.
I recall a company doing a wicked Collateral Cruise figure set a few months ago - I am not sure if that is out yet. I think there is also an upcoming Last Samurai set coming out as well. I would believe that such sets will be more readily available than anything in this thread since only a handful of us goes to the Freaks forums and the unofficial sets being made by companies in China will be sold online through various venues. There are also no updates of a 3d printer, so we may not see these in printed format for a while. However, if I am wrong about these figures being release soon, and people are interested in these Cruise heads from these films, then it would be cool if they are made.
Yes. Very true but can these still be obtained? If Toshi did him, it would be available to everyone.
I'm not sure about the availability of the Collateral head but here's the thread:
You may get lucky with someone willing to sell.
The Last Samurai hasn't been released yet, there are WIPs in the thread though:
And there are various other Brother's Productions types figures on ebay.
ZCWO did an entire Top Gun Cruise figure a few years agoThanks for the info. I, myself wasn't after a Collateral or Last Samurai sculpt, they were just suggestions. I am really needing a younger Top Gun sculpt of Tom.