Toy Story Sig group

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Don't you get it?You see the hat? I am Mrs. Nesbitt!
One of my favorite scenes too. I like when Woody slaps Buzz with Buzz's own disconnected arm.
Deluded Buzz in TS2 was even better than he was in 1.

"Where'd you get the new belt, Buzz?"

"Well, Slotted Pig, they're standard issue."

:lol Especially the scenes with zurg.

"buzz, Are you coming with us?"

"no, Ive got some catching up to do with my dad."
I just put TS1 in.

We should all arrange a certain time to be in the chat room together and synchronize our DVD/Blu Ray players so we can watch TS 1 or 2 at the same time and chat about it. :)

EDIT: On second thought, that would take forever to set maybe not.. Heh. But two or three people could accomplish it.
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"I think all my character does is scream in this movie."
~Tom Hanks, making a strained observation while in the process of recording his lines for Toy Story 1.
:lol that chat room idea is pretty awesome! :rock oh yea did anyone else notice the BENFORD toolbox in toystory? :lol pretty cool shoutout to tim the toolman taylor :D
Never noticed it was from Home Improvement. That show was just getting off the ground during production of the first TS. I do like the "Megadork" poster on Sid's wall though. :)