Super Freak
Mark VII please...
Even more Iron Man
When will it finally end so they can get back on track?
Dear Hot Toys,
I know making Iron Man figures if very profitable and at least part of the reason you are still in business. But can you please stop making Iron Man figures.
Ryan Reynolds
Hot Toys said:Dear Ryan Reynolds,
Thank you for your concern, but no.
Kind regards,
Hot Toys Iron Man Department
Dear Hot Toys,
I know making Iron Man figures if very profitable and at least part of the reason you are still in business. But can you please stop making Iron Man figures.
Ryan Reynolds
Dear Hot Toys,
making Iron Man figures if very profitable and at least part of the reason you are still in business.
WAIT! You're not serious?
Hot Toys made figures, a solid reputation, a following of varied customers and wait for it... Money! BEFORE Iron Man and will do so without it.
Any license can make tons if money if they make tons of figures from it, only reason iron man had sold lots is because they have made lots to sell, they dont need it to stay in business, if anything their devotion is minimizing the amount of money their other licenses could be making
I hope this is your opinion. Otherwise, I'd have to ask How you can know all this about the inner working of HOT TOYS profitability?![]()
Dear Hot Toys,
I know making Iron Man figures if very profitable and at least part of the reason you are still in business. But can you please stop making Iron Man figures.
Ryan Reynolds
Dear Hot Toys,
Enough with dis stupid nancy-boy red and yellow "Iron Man". Get back to de reeel Iron Man, de Terminatuh! Make more figures of me if you want to live!
Arnold Schwarzennegger
Dear Hot Toys,
I want you to do me a favor, I want you to make more figures of me.
I'm Batman
Yeah! More Iran Man!
Dear Hot Toys,
I know making Iron Man figures if very profitable and at least part of the reason you are still in business. But can you please stop making Iron Man figures.
Ryan Reynolds
Dear Hot Toys,
I want you to do me a favor, I want you to make more figures of me.
I'm Batman
- Nyarrrrrgh cumunnnn HUTTOYZ, wea iz lung abundnd T1/T2 lysenz!?!? Gyw dam to me, NAW!!!
Bicep doesn't look BD to me, and in fact, would be very odd considering the rest of him is undamaged. Plus, all the BD parts that were removable were also removable on Mark IV, so this would be no different than that one if the non-BD parts weren't included. So, I don't think we have any information to tell us whether they will or won't be included here. I would hope that they wouldn't be, just to keep the first release a bit more special for those owners, but HT doesn't seem to really give a ____ about any of that, so it wouldn't shock me one way or the other. Would seem like an unnecessary expense since folks will buy this new one without it anyway because they either missed out on the first one, and/or want that Mech Test head.If it didn't it wouldn't be the same figure would it, they'd have to actually make the non BD plates sculpted into the suit so they cant be removed. So to answer your question yes this will include the BD parts. Pretty sure you can see in the picture the right bicep is BD as well.
Dear Hot Toys,
I crushed Iron Man to death using his own armour, i'm the cash cow now!