Very cool! Glad someone is finally making this!
HT will never get Xmen license unless Wolverine so I just support third party this time. 20th century fox is not generous with their license. I had a feeling a high price of DOFP Wolverine because 20th century fox ask that much for licensing.
HT will never get Xmen license unless Wolverine so I just support third party this time. 20th century fox is not generous with their license. I had a feeling a high price of DOFP Wolverine because 20th century fox ask that much for licensing.
HT will never get Xmen license unless Wolverine so I just support third party this time. 20th century fox is not generous with their license. I had a feeling a high price of DOFP Wolverine because 20th century fox ask that much for licensing.
Fox don't have majority control of the licensing Disney does. They have the say if things get made or not, they're why their is little to no movie merchandise.
In either case though, evidence seems primarily based on assumptions and hearsay. I haven't seen much concrete evidence one way or the other, though this article, which is probably fairly authoritative, suggests profits are split: Forbes Welcome Given that, my guess would be that both would have to sign off on any merchandise, but who knows? Howard Chan noted that likenesses provided difficulties, but was mum on whether it was Fox or Marvel making an ultimate determination on what would be licensed.Incorrect again. There is little movie merch becuase there is little interest from vendors. Both Fox and Marvel have the same ability to approve or disallow merch. The issue is the actors retain their own likeness rights in the xmen franchise. Meaning any vendor or merchandise manufacture has to get individual approval from each actor to use their likeness. And the main actors for each film have all either declined to give likeness deals or asked to much money. So, again, incorrect. This is why there are 8000 different conspiracy theory's. People keep using incorrect info to explain things.
I just hope this company is faster than Threezero. Is that Sabretooth already released? If so, I wonder what the reveal to release period was.