[Toys-Era] DOFP: Master of Magnetism 1/6 scale

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Seemed like an educated guess. Summing up what he's read/heard, with what he might know about the industry. Nothing with proof directly linking Fassbender refusing to let his likeness be used I think though. Could be true, but not 100% known as fact. To us anyway.
Yeah there's a lot of hearsay, but no solid facts. In the end the reasons don't matter, if the problem could be solved easily we'd have had official figures by now.
But it's just a bit odd that actors are to blame here. Ok, say Fass doesn't like dolls of himself being made (seriously, who wouldn't? But anyway, let's pretend he just doesn't) how about the others? I it was as simple as saying that they don't want to sign their likeness, than that makes every single X-Men actor, except for Huge, a total ass. That really can't be right.

Same was said about movie Deadpool... "Never gonna happen" why? Because Fox. But see how that turned out.

I'd love to see some credible sources too, but other than "I know somebody that kinda knows somebody" for a change.
The two theories are

1. Fox didn't aqquire likeness rights so Hot Toys would have to get them from actors which can be done by negotiating and getting one at a time. They wouldnt have to have all to do one character.

2, Disney is blocking X-Men merch as seen in any toy shops anywhere, removing them from marvel posters and tees and cancelling the XM Studio statues. Letting occasional products through, usually just Wolverine and Deadpool

Could be a combination of both.

If Hot Toys are allowed to make figures other than Wolverine & Deadpool they should simply approach Mcavoys people for example and get his likeness rights and since they have the movie rights then make the figure.
Instead I'd bet they're either not allowed or are slowly accumulating likeness rights from all the actors and waiting until they have them all to do anything
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Disney having something to do with it could have some truth, there hasn't been ANY of the usual merchandise. Fast food promotions, no t-shirts, posters, Lego sets, retail action figures... Nothing you always see around major theatrical releases. I think the last new X-Men related thing I saw was one of those stupid minimates. Days of Future Past was released in theaters and then blu-ray, that's all I ever heard about it apart from the HT Wolverine. Nothing from F4 either, not that anyone would have cared anyway.

What I wonder is how could Disney block that stuff from Fox, but not Sony all these years. Spidey has been everywhere in recent years.
With Spider-Man it was a case of two things. Firstly Marvel had 100% profit from the movie merchandise after some second deal happened so get all the money and secondly Spidey is a huge seller so they'd be stupid to not use the license.

With X-Men/FF the deal was never re-negotiated and while Marvel has majority control of the movie merchandise they don't get 100% of the profit, some of it would go to Fox. How much % is unknown.

So basically Marvel can profit from X-Men movie merchandise by atleast 51% and profit from Comic by 100% but are playing a non-sensical game of trying to drown the pop culture awareness of the brand to get them the movie rights. That hasnt worked in the slightest but they maintain that stance until perhaps now. Ike Perlmutter has been removed from Marvel movie affairs and that may change things from X-Men movie merch as he's a notorious douche in that dept.

Their are very few X-Men products and usually only Wolverine and Deadpool squeeze through. Look for an official X-Men T-shirt or lunchbox or cartoon or anything even based on comics where Marvel profits entirely and you'll see hardly anything. And their hasnt been a movie product other than Wolverine 1/6 since the Disney takeover.

The likeness thing may very well be true but theres far too much smoke on the X-Men brand promotion and merchandise fronts overall for their not to be a fire
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This goes back a while though, doesn't it? Way before Marvel's acquisition .

Who knows really. Sucks for those that want the official figures.
Looking at the HT Deadpool, and you have to wonder why that slipped through, you can only imagine how fantastic an official Magneto would look.

This looks to be a good substitute but I'll probably always think "what could have been".
Yeah, regardless of how one feels about knockoffs or third party items, an official release is always a good thing, and something a collector would rather have.
Looking at the HT Deadpool, and you have to wonder why that slipped through, you can only imagine how fantastic an official Magneto would look.

This looks to be a good substitute but I'll probably always think "what could have been".

And I'll always be thinking, what will never be... Well until hopefully apocolypse.
This looks just as good as hot toys. The sculpt is abit off but so are hot toys sometimes. Im really liking the details on this figure. I might add some lighter blue to his eyes. From the pics it seems they almost look brown. Anyways, im just excited to be getting figures from one of my most fave movies
But it's just a bit odd that actors are to blame here. Ok, say Fass doesn't like dolls of himself being made (seriously, who wouldn't? But anyway, let's pretend he just doesn't) how about the others? I it was as simple as saying that they don't want to sign their likeness, than that makes every single X-Men actor, except for Huge, a total ass. That really can't be right.

Same was said about movie Deadpool... "Never gonna happen" why? Because Fox. But see how that turned out.

I'd love to see some credible sources too, but other than "I know somebody that kinda knows somebody" for a change.

I don't think it's a fair to equate "I don't want my likeness on a figure" to "I'm a total ass." I bet there are plenty of people, inside Hollywood and out, who don't want dolls made of themselves. Hugh really embraces his Wolverine role though, so it's no surprise he approved having his likeness on a doll. While the other actors may like their roles, I don't see them being so enamored with the roles so as to have toys and such made of them. Which doesn't make them a total ass, frustrating as it may be to us collectors.

Or like Uncanny said, maybe HT has the rights locked up, and it's just waiting until it can release a larger collection of them (possibly in conjunction with X-Men Apocalypse).
Well there wouldn't be any problems if the actors likenesses was written into their movie contracts to begin with, but apparently that wasn't the case.

Seeing as there a bunch of new actors in Apocalypse, surely their contracts are different and likeness rights were written into it.
Star Ace are doing a Jennifer Lawrence Katniss figure, her likeness must have been in the film contract for the actress. As for her role in X-Men, I could see her saying no.

HT did produce that First Class Charles prototype, but it was never released. Perhaps they did get James McEvoy's likeness, but the weren't able to obtain others, so they chose not to release the figure.

Perhaps the actors just want too much money?

The whole thing seems like a very complicated process with too many companies having a say with what happens.

Maybe the next film after Apocalypse will have everyone under new contracts and figures will finally be possible.
I always figured for licenses, companies can make a figure of the character say magneto and use the actor's face (Fass) if rights were in the contract or if not then the actor gives consent, or not use the actor's likeness and just make a magneto with a general looking face. After all, the character's rights could be given to say HT to use even if the actor did not give consent to use his or her likeness. Looking at the first wolverine and some older stark sculpts seem to prove my point. But i have no insight into the industry or experience so these are just my thoughts.
I think the lack of accuracy on older sculpts is the fault of the sculptor.

Though I do remember a World War Z figure of Gerry that purposely had zero resemblance to Brad Pitt. There was a HT Aldo Raine so not sure why his likeness wasn't on the WWZ fig.
Maybe it wasnt an official wwz fig? I do remember something like that too with gerry. The figure looked nothing like even a cosplayer would look as a pitt gerry lane.
Magneto arrived earlier. In hand the sculpt looks better than in pics, but I definitely need to get the helmet closer to his face. The body isn't as skinny as it looks either, the arms are actually pretty muscular.

The figure has a strong smell though, I guess from the packing foam... Hope it wears off.

Has anyone gotten the wrinkles out of the cape? Dunno if ironing would damage the material. What's the best method for tightening the helmet?