I so got them all today!!!! They are awesome!!!!!!!!!The ill Jedi said:Hasbro 'Robot Heroes', I am so getting these!!!
I so got them all today!!!! They are awesome!!!!!!!!!The ill Jedi said:Hasbro 'Robot Heroes', I am so getting these!!!
p!tu said:I so got them all today!!!! They are awesome!!!!!!!!!
Yep!!! Anyways My GF on the plane so i will be making a video out of that and other stuff soon!!!Eli26 said:wow They made a Mirage. Very seldom do you see Mirage in any PVC or any other figure format outside of the regular Transformer lines.
I hope they make an ARC and a NEMESIS !!! that would rock!!!!King Darkness said:Yeah, I will definitely get the Robot Heros!!!
I hope they do a whole shat load like the SW ones.
p!tu said:I hope they make an ARC and a NEMESIS !!! that would rock!!!!
p!tu said:I so got them all today!!!! They are awesome!!!!!!!!!
That would be the most amazing thing ever!!!King Darkness said:Yeah in MP scale!!
That would kick ass!!
Give me a sec im going to take a pic ok!!Bonehead15 said:I love these too. I preordered a set of these.
Which ones did you get Pitu?
All four?
At Target! Plus WalMart has an Exclusive 5 pack.Two new exclusive figures will be available in this pack - Cliffjumper and Skywarp - while Optimus Prime and Megatron will receive a "supermetal finish," and Mirage will get a "hologram" redecoration.!!King Darkness said:Where did you pick them up p!tu?
I know i went to Walmart to get them all plus the Exclusive and nothing!!Vader AL said:the walmart i went to did not have them but TRU did.
King Darkness said:Must get my ass over to Wal-Mart!!!