Here's Long Hair Inara
Obviously the eyes and eyebrows were just painted in real quick so I could get some idea of how she might look.
You can dremel the necks. Since Mal has an open shirt, I used a TTA neck. With Jayne, I used the Perseus muscle body, which also required removing the sculpted neck.
Thanks, uc7! It has been a long haul, I won't lie. But when you love the material, it's just a matter of finding time to give each character the attention they deserve. I hope I can get Simon finished up for you all soon! I've been preoccupied with my "Back to the Future" stuff in my free time lately.(I figured the Firefly folks wouldn't mind letting their wallets rest a bit.)
Does anybody have pics of their Firefly figures next to Hot Toys or Sideshow figures? I want to see how the head comparisons look on bodies and next to other figures, since I plan on picking several head up. I ask because Trevor mentioned that the heads are slightly bigger than normal 1/6 heads, though it looks like some of the later female heads he did look to be in proper scale.
I have all Trev's Firefly head sculpts on Hot Toys bodies and once the figure is dressed the heads do not look large at all.
Old Grandpa