Trick or Treat Studios 1/6 scale Texas Chainsaw Massacre Line (TCM 2, TCM 3, TCM 2003 Remake)

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Not so bad, I think I'll buy the 2023 version but it really have to get it dirty.
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Definitley getting the remake Leatherface as I love that movie, not interested in the other two
I just received TMC 3 Figure, and I'm extremely happy with it.
it has a nice heavy Fat body
Figure looks like the prototype. I'm not a fan of the subsequent movies, so no real interest in the figures. Too bad the chainsaw does not look like the proto. That was a thing of beauty. I might of picked up the figure just for that. I guess I could paint it.
I have part 2 on the way, I don't know if I'm gonna get the remake one. People hate on me for saying it but I never liked the remake at all since the first time I saw it in theaters lol
Finally got my figures in. These look great!

The figures are really hefty and very large, and the proportions look good overall.

Outfits definitely need some futzing but the potential is there. For example the ties are way too large, especially the knots, but some minor adjustment (I did it in the part 2 and 3 figures already) makes a world of difference.

Regarding the chainsaws they did a damn good job of recreating my prototypes. Nearly all the detail is there that was in my protos. The blood paint work is fantastic. On the remake Chainsaw they recreated the blood pattern pretty much exactly to my proto.

The chrome finish of the part 3 certainly doesn't match my prototype but that's a hard paint job to pull off without using a chroming process.

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These are just cell photos... I'll be getting good photos with my dslr after futzing... but overall very happy with these guys. And very cool to see something I worked on come to market!

I wish I had a bigger affinity to these movies. They are intriguing, but money is being spent elsewhere (Beetlejuice & Pennywise). I might pick up those chainsaws once they are parted out.
Oh... YES!! I actually could not believe this when I saw it here, it did not get any joy out of me whatsoever at first... then went on to their Facebook page, because I expected this to be juuust ANOTHER smaller scaled and boring figure, did not dare to hope this would be 1/6. I get the impression that the original movie is harder to get.
I was satisfied with the original Sideshow one, but that was when I was basically all about Halloween and Friday the 13th still I guess. I really did want the Sideshow end of film figure and the combo of that alternate look was tops! Now ToTs will do it with the two primal looks instead?!