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Holy Hell! What a finale!!! I'm left a bit speechless over it all. Damn I can't wait for next season.
Well that was pretty good. Get a feeling Tara's gonna be made into a vamp at the last second. Glad Russel will be back.
OMG What a GREAT Finale! :thud:
But Why O Why do we have to wait so very long?
Got too see one of Jessica's bewbs!!!

Good finale to a average season. Bill and Northan make a great team!! Was awesome to see Tara gets her brains splattered. Russell shall return!!
If you haven't watched it yet, stop reading...

You heard me!

Ah, now to the gory details. I enjoyed this season, even though it had little relation to anything in the books. I'm good with that, as long as they tell a great story.

Jesus dying was well done, and we'll obviously be seeing him again. I loved his line to Lafayette at the end...

Tara better damn well be dead, although there is more than a little irony in the idea that she could be turned. I was a little confused as to why it was taking Eric and Bill so long to show up too, since they should have picked up on Sookie's danger the minute Debbie showed up with the shotgun. I also love that while the show is way off from the books, they are still able to incorporate some key story points - Sookie shooting Debbie in the kitchen - from the books back in. Hopefully, this will further toughen up Sookie on the show, since whiny Sookie is my least favorite.

I don't know who saw Jessica's assets - looked to me like she kept them pretty well covered the whole time. And trust me, I was looking closely.

Not sure how I feel about the whole Russell thing - seems awful quick for him to get out of there, especially considering how badly damaged he was when he went in. Not like there's a whole lot of blood down in that concrete for him to get stronger, and we've seen that the silver alone is pretty damn tough for even a fully healthy vamp to overcome. Still, with the other chick dead and apparantly the AVL and the Authority out for Bill and Eric, throwing Russell in the mix could be very interesting.

I'm also happy about the Eric/Bill team up. They work well together, even better with Bill as the leader and Eric as the back up man.
Yeah, I don't get all of this excitement about seeing a brief, zoomed out, not particularly clear shot of one of Jessica's ****s. Unless you've got a really good tv the size of a movie screen, there wasn't much to see.

I'm betting Tara's not dead. Looked to me like most of the damage to her was from the blowback of glass from the shattered window instead of the actual shotgun pellets. Now Debbie on the other hand, pretty sure she's done. :lol
Yeah, I don't get all of this excitement about seeing a brief, zoomed out, not particularly clear shot of one of Jessica's ****s. Unless you've got a really good tv the size of a movie screen, there wasn't much to see.

I'm betting Tara's not dead. Looked to me like most of the damage to her was from the blowback of glass from the shattered window instead of the actual shotgun pellets. Now Debbie on the other hand, pretty sure she's done. :lol

I do. ;) :monkey3
Re: Tara - There was a whole lot of blood on the floor and it looked like there was bit of brain matter on her face - maybe it was glass....I hope they just let her die. I don't even want to think of her being a vamp.
Re: Tara - There was a whole lot of blood on the floor and it looked like there was bit of brain matter on her face - maybe it was glass....I hope they just let her die. I don't even want to think of her being a vamp.

Agreed. Her time has come. She did very little this season.
So what happened Sam?? last we seen of him Debbie was about to attack him, then we later see we Debbie attacking Sookie ..i hope Sam is ok!
So what happened Sam?? last we seen of him Debbie was about to attack him, then we later see we Debbie attacking Sookie ..i hope Sam is ok!
We gotta wait until next season to find out! :panic:

Does anyone have a clue yet when that'll be? Do we have to wait until June again? :(

And... I'm betting Tara turns. The vamp hater turned vamp is too attractive. I like her character. Don't love her but don't hate her. If she dies, I'm concerned that Lafayette couldn't survive losing both her and Jesus.

I cried so many times during this epi!
