As long as Burress dies I'll be happy. That **** birds gotta go.
It seems likely that Burress also killed DA Katherine Davis, no?
Whoever shot her was trusted enough to get close in her car and plug her in the chest.
He seems to be the chief clean-up man: it seems certain that Burress was behind the pawned items set-up (and death of Irina).
He took out Paul, and he was first on the scene after Ray got peppered by the Birdman (who I think will be one of the orphaned kids from the diamond heist.)
Remember his line there: "One of my men gets shot, you better believe I'm on site."
Ironic foreshadowing?
Paul's the one to get offed? Doesn't feel right. And his character literally had no closure.
Well, if one considers all the symbolism of Greek names (Antigone, Athena, Panticapaeum) and mythology (Paul's Oedipal issues) in this season, then Paul's death fits because his life story is pure tragedy. Remember: Paul is told that if he had just been his honest self then the blackmail would have been useless.
He was trapped and killed by his own pride--classic Greek tragedy, man.
He's the reason they'll be able to close the case if they can. The evidence he gathered will be what brings everyone down. The kid did ok.
The flipside to that coin is that his death ensures his child grows up fatherless with a poisoned cooze of a (grand)mother--just as he did--extending the vicious cycle yet again. Man hands on misery to man . . . because time is a flat circle, right?
(I'm also available for birthdays and bar mitzvahs.)