high strike (head)
X = left punch
Y = right punch
A = left leg
B = right leg
low strike (body or legs): hold LT + strike
strong strike: LS towards + strike, or strike while moving
strike types are dictacted by distance to your opponent (range). i.e. a punch becomes an elbow, a kick becomes a knee if inside close range
combos: string together strikes in succession. i.e.:
X,X - double jab combo
X,Y - left right combo
Y,X - right left combo
X, LS towards + Y - left jab, right hook
X,Y,B - left, right, bodykick combo
Flying strike while opponent is grounded (jumping punch in to guard): X or Y while stepping towards
defend high strikes: hold RB
defend low strikes: hold RT
major counter: hit your opponent during the beginning of their attack
minor counter: hit your opponent immediately after their attack
catch counter to clinch: RS up (high) with the right timing
catch counter to takedown: RS down (low) with the right timing
right stick towards opponent: body clinch (double underhooks or over/under)
LB + RS towards: striking clinch (muay thai clinch or single collar tie)
LT + RS towards: takedown
struggle for the takedown: beat any button or rotate RS
hold back on RS: grapple block
when in muay thai clinch, offensive: RS U/D/L/R + knee: muay thai whip and knee
when in muay thai clinch, defensive: block with RB (head) or RT (low), escape with RS opposite (rotate works well)
when in body clinch, offensive: LB + RS U/D/L/R: throw
when in body clinch, defensive: RS any direction to defend a weak throw, RS opposite to defend strong throw
when in body clinch: RS towards/away: work underhooks or escape (transitions in the clinch)
sweeping rotations on the RS initiate transitions on the ground. i.e. a "Street Fighter fireball motion" of down, down-left, left.
minor transitions: start by pressing up or down and sweep clockwise or counter-clockwise on RS
example: down, down-left, left
major transitions start by pressing at a 45-degree angle (down-left or down-right for example) and sweep clockwise or counter-clockwise on RS
example: down-left, down, down-right, right, up-right
minor transition = less position gain, less chance of reversal
major transition = more position gain, more chance of reversal
transition block: hold RS opposite (forwards or back)
attempt reversal: flick RS opposite (forwards or back)
stand out of advantage ground position (stand out of someone's guard): press in on LS
escape clinch: strike your way out repeatedly, or move out with the left stick
escape from your back with opponent standing: RS up, down or back
stand up then attempt a takedown: hold LT + RS forward
press in right stick with the right timing on a counter-strike to attempt a submission
then beat any button or rotate RS to finish the submission
brute force escape a sub attempt: throw strikes in rapid succession
technical escape a sub attempt: rotate RS clockwise
LS = Left Stick
LT = Left Trigger (L2 on a PS3)
LB = Left Bumper (above the trigger, L1 on a PS3)
RS = Right Stick
RT = Right Trigger (L2 on a PS3)
RB = Right Bumper (above the trigger, L1 on a PS3)