I'm assuming you're talking about the interview from SI.com right!?
I think it's the wording from Ben Fowlkes that I highlighted that's confusing you. Notice Florian never says himself that he sent a text message to "BJ's camp". He simple says he sent a text message to someone.
BJ Penn claims it was sent to David Weintraub (who backs up that claim on video). David Weintraub does freelance work for a company that in turn does freelance work for the UFC. I'm not really sure how he could be considered part of "BJ's camp" if he really is the guy who Florian text messeged!? And not only that, check out this quote:
Parillo doesn't say "a member of our camp". So even by Penn and Parillo's account the message was not sent to Penn's camp or a member of Penn's camp.
Actually things like this make BJ Penn look bad. All his little antics make him look bad. He looks like a cry baby/spoiled little rich kid who cries when he loses. And his pre-fight trash talk makes him joke when he says crap like "to the death Georges" and "He's (GSP) gonna fold and he's gonna quit" and then after 4 rounds of ass whooping Penn refuses to continue and quits.
And before you say he didn't quit his corner did: When you stand in your corner inbetween rounds, arms up and head against the cage not responding to the doctor (checking to see if you're ok) OR your cornermen, that's quitting. It was obvious he didn't want to fight anymore. Which makes ALL the pre-fight comments that Penn made more hilarious.
And about lying, c'mon man. Hype or not, Penn blatantly lied about this whole text message crap like 3 times. First he said it was an e-mail from Florian to Penn himself. Then it was an e-mail to Rudy Valentino, and then it turned into a text message to David Weintraub.
Interesting things:
To my knowledge Kenny Florian has never stated WHO he sent that text message to.
No actual text message has ever surfaced.
David Weintraub, the guy who supposedly received that text message just happens to be the same guy who was initially named as the one who tipped off BJ Penn about GSP greasing before their fight. At that time, Florians name was never brought up. During the NSAC hearing about the incident, Florians name was never brought up.
Bottomline, it's all BS without evidence. And like most BS, there is zero evidence. You'd think a person would definitely keep a text message like that for future reference if they were gonna spill the beans about it to so many people. BS.