I gots to go Devil, tomorrow I'm busy, so I guess I'll hit you up here wed. or Thurs. but atleast we got fights this weekend. I'm so pissed Fedor didn't go to the UFC, would of loved to see him beat Silva. Wheres Nash Today????
Yeah change the subject sicko, just like you. I bet the only reason you watch UFC is beacuse its half naked men rolling around and sweating.
Psychological projection is a form of defense mechanism in which someone attributes thoughts, feelings, and ideas which are perceived as undesirable to someone else. Psychological projection may manifest in all kinds of ways, and while it may be a defense mechanism, it can also be very destructive.
Honestly you make no sense. Whats your point. He's 30-1 and hasn't lost a fight in 10 years. Has=beens, Pride fighters.....Half of Pride is in the UFC and kicking butt, Anderson Silva, Rampage, Wandy, Shogun, Hendo.
Um, Wandy and Shogun haven't really looked that impressive in their UFC fights and both are far from kicking butt in the UFC.
Silva is 1-3 in the UFC.
Shogun is 2-1 in the UFC....piss poor performance in his win vs Coleman and impressive KO of Liddell.
Um, Wandy and Shogun haven't really looked that impressive in their UFC fights and both are far from kicking butt in the UFC.
Silva is 1-3 in the UFC.
Shogun is 2-1 in the UFC....piss poor performance in his win vs Coleman and impressive KO of Liddell.
Still unclear why Fedor refused to sign with the UFC and instead ran to Shelterforce?
Because of the % deal, real simple. Not only will he get paid to fight, but he'll also be taking a % of the gate and PPV sales. Its all about the Money. He'll be making more at StrikeForce.
You hate Fedor and think he sucks, so why do you care if he's in the UFC?????
Hmmm.. funny you would visualize MMA like that. It's called "Psychological projection".
Unlike you, the rest of us here have intelligent actual "opinions" on why we think Fedor sucks. We don't just think he sucks for no reason.
We don't care that he's not in the UFC, but it's silly to see all the Fedor nutlickers still considering him the best in the world when he has done NOTHING to prove that in recent years. IS the best in the world? Hell no. WAS the best in the world? Yes at some point in the past.
I agree with you. Anderson Silva is P4P #1. I think Fedor is the Best HW. And Brock, lets give him some more fights and then we can judge him. Fedor signed a 3 fight deal with Strikeforce so he can still be in the UFC next year. And if Brock is still on top, then its a fight.
Ive never agreed with Brock getting a title shot so quickly. Even though he did earn it by winning it fair and square, i thought it was a cheap move by the UFC to get more interest in their HW division with Couture getting old and having contract issues etc. If brock can get some worthy opponents to defend his title, then i'll consider him on the p4p list.
Because of the % deal, real simple. Not only will he get paid to fight, but he'll also be taking a % of the gate and PPV sales. Its all about the Money. He'll be making more at StrikeForce.
First off genius, Strikeforce doesn't have any PPV and isn't planning on moving to PPV until next year minimum. So there's no percentage from PPV to be had. And when it comes to the gate, Strikeforce makes less than the UFC per show per live gate ticket sales. Once again you show your complete ignorance when it comes to anything regarding MMA. The UFC offered Fedor more money than he'll make anywhere else. And they also offered Fedor a cut of the PPV money made from whatever show he would fight on (because the UFC actually HAS PPV). Lesnar, Couture, Liddell, Ortiz (in the past) GSP, etc all have the same incentive. If the PPV has at least a million buyrate those fighters get a cut. Which is why UFC 101 that had a 1.72 million buyrate made Lesnar over 3 Million and GSP over 1.5 Million. Fedor was offered the same exact incentive.
The problem was the M-1 Global leeches wanted to be 50/50 partners. Which is an absolute joke. And you'll notice they only wanted that deal with the UFC. Not Afflicition. Not Strikeforce. Not Bodog. Just the UFC. I wonder why? Oh yeah.. because the UFC actually makes money.
Go ask Nike to be 50/50 partners with you and see how fast they call security to throw your lame ass out the door.
M-1 Global and Fedor originally made a series of demands that had to be met in order for Fedor to fight in the UFC. The sticking point THEN was *****. Second time around, the UFC conceaded to Fedor's ***** participation.
And what happens?
M-1 Global and Fedor make a new, completely unrealistic demand of 50/50 co-promotion.
You see a pattern?
Anything to avoid the UFC. It's no coincidence that Fedor chose to fight in Strikeforce which has LESS ranked HW fighters instead of the UFC which has 6 Top 10 HW's. It's also no coincidence that Fedor chose Strikeforce which doesn't allow elbows on the ground over the UFC which does. No dispute Fedor cuts easily. First time in a cage, why not chose no elbows as opposed to elbows.
Bottomline: if any other fighter did the same exact things that Fedor has been doing he'd be ripped apart by criticism and rightfully so. But since it's Fedor it's ok.
Fedor is a joke.