I can't wait for the rematch.

~~~Now I'm counting down the days until UFC 107 for Penn's next fight. Anyone know of any awesome BJ Penn shirts??? Is he gonna have a cool walk out shirt for this one??
I can't wait for the rematch.
Heck yeah.
~~~Now I'm counting down the days until UFC 107 for Penn's next fight. Anyone know of any awesome BJ Penn shirts??? Is he gonna have a cool walk out shirt for this one??
Yea, Rua totally won the fight, don't know what the judges were watching.
If you notice closely, while Dana White is talking to Rua after the fight, you can read his lips saying "YOU WON THE FIGHT" like three times.......which I think is hilarious. Did they wanted to give the fight to Machida to set up the sequel.....??
Like ive said, machida landed more strikes to the face and SOLID knees to the body. shogun landed more kicks to the leg and body. If shogun had got one or two take downs, or a few punches to the face, he would have definitely won this fight.
sorry but leg kicks don't win fights. take downs and strikes to the face do.
Was this a close fight? HELL YES.
But I dont see how you guys see it as robbery. robbery imo is shogun winning 4 rounds to 1. it was easily 2 to 2...with one round going either way.
Agreed. Not only that, Machida stuffed EVERY takedown attempt from Shogun. Every single one failed miserably. It was essentially a glorified kick boxing match tbh. Close fight but imo to be the champ you have to beat the champ. And I can't say Shogun beat Machida to earn the title. Close fights that go to decision should always go to the Champs. That's why I think Rampage was robbed vs. Griffin.
?????? So leg Kicks dont count. And Forest won on leg kicks. And the dumb you gotta beat the champ??? Thats so lame, so Shogun can only win by KO???? You guys are so bias.
did anybody else see the prelims on spike? That stupid ^^^^ didn't come on like scheduledI'm sure they will show this main even on spike pretty soon, should be interesting.
I do agree that leg kicks do score points, but in this case, it sounds completely different than the Rampage fight. Now, I didnt see this fight, but after seeing the Ramp/forrest fight, I though it was extremely close and if Ramp didnt get his leg completely messed up in that fight, it prolly would have had a similar outcome to this one, but i guess i just have to see this one, hard to comment on a fight when just reading about it.
After Rua though, who else makes a good oppenent for Machida? I wish Ramp wasnt being such a douche about acting, cause that would be an extremely entertaining fight with Machida. I think Machida will hold the title for awhile unless Silva ever gets a shot.
Like ive said, machida landed more strikes to the face and SOLID knees to the body. shogun landed more kicks to the leg and body. If shogun had got one or two take downs, or a few punches to the face, he would have definitely won this fight.
sorry but leg kicks don't win fights. take downs and strikes to the face do.
Was this a close fight? HELL YES.
But I dont see how you guys see it as robbery. robbery imo is shogun winning 4 rounds to 1. it was easily 2 to 2...with one round going either way.
I can't wait for the rematch.
kicks, especially when they don't appear to be effecting your opponent. Rampage could barely walk in the fight against Forest. Machida seemed relatively unphased by Shoguns kicks.
Close fight though, Shogun just didn't do enough.
Must admit, the shirts look pretty nice, just wouldnt rep any of them.