Best in the world!?![]()
Any given Sunday. Did anyone seriously expect the Packers to win the Superbowl when they lost to the Redskins, Lions, and the Bears?
Best in the world!?![]()
Any given Sunday. Did anyone seriously expect the Packers to win the Superbowl when they lost to the Redskins, Lions, and the Bears?
Any given Sunday. Did anyone seriously expect the Packers to win the Superbowl when they lost to the Redskins, Lions, and the Bears?
Best in the world!?![]()
So I don't really get all the hate on Fedor. At the end of the day, I'm a MMA fan, and I respect him for what he was/is: a great HW who defeated a lot of quality opponents of the day (including 5 ex-UFC champs) and managed to stay unbeaten for almost 9 years. He should be considered an all-time great MMA Heavyweight....
Any given Sunday. Did anyone seriously expect the Packers to win the Superbowl when they lost to the Redskins, Lions, and the Bears?
Yes he'll take out Cain Velasquez and Junior Dos Santos at the same time in a 2 on 1 Handicap match and you know it![]()
I dont hate on Fedor, I love the guy and i love what he added to the sport of MMA. I was at PRIDE 32 in Vegas and watched him fight. It was awesome and weather people like him or not is up to them. Take Devil666, he hates on Fedor and thats cool, it doesnt bother me, hes an MMA fan and I appreciate the difference of opinion, but you have to be real about it. Like I said Im a huge Fedor fan and always will be but looking at his past performances he just doesnt have it anymore. The energy is gone and people arent scared of him anymore. Everyones time eventually will come, even Anderson Silva, the dudes on top of the world. Its going to be bonkers when someone finally gets the drop on him and finishes him. Will I say he sucks no, it was just his time. As for Fedor, I always said the true test will be his comeback fight and well look what happened he was jumping right into the guard again, its like he didnt learn. So in that instance I just say its his time. I actually hope he retires now, I mean if he keeps fighting more power to him, but I think he should just call it a night. The guy will always be one of my favorite fighters.
I know all that sounded gay, but just my thoughts and to Devil666, he brings good discussion to the this MMA thread so I got nothing but love for all the MMA fans who come and contribute in here. Weather you consider yourself a casual fan or a hardcore, we obviously all like fights.
Thanks hairless![]()
Good points man. I absolutely agree with everything you said.
Yeah I didnt mean to single you out bro, I just know you like to stir things up, lol but its all good man. Like you said some people cant handle the truth.Yeah just to be clear, I don't dislike Fedor at all. I don't dislike any fighter in fact. I watch all MMA.
But some "fans" are just F'n delusional and oblivious to reality. And I hate to even call those kind of people fans. Because they really aren't. They're losers that cling on to anything and anyone on top because in their pathetic and twisted reality if they like something that's considered "the best" then they're also "the best". And that's sad on so many levels but it's the truth.
Ok jokes aside now
Fedor is a good fighter but he is not close to be called the best fighter in the world,and people call him overrated because they are tired of hearing people saying he is untouchable.
I would really love to see him signing with UFC,maybe it's Dana White that doesn't want him...But if it was up to fedor he should consider it as a test for himself,if he wants to face the best that is.
Fedor AND everyone in his click is a joke. That's an all new low for an excuse after a loss. And the saddest part: I'm sure Fedor nuthuggers will believe it.
Meh. Anyways.. hey Nash you seen the videos of Hughes and Penn training for the Fitch fight? Crazy to see those two together.