UFC, etc.

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Lol....I'm going to add this to my resume. I might start a side business working with UFC/MMA fighters.

"Jedi with proficient use of mind tricks that will leave opponents confused about what droids they're looking for."
wow that's the lamest excuse in Sports history.This is just too stupid to be true,it is so stupid that you can believe that this was wrote by some retard who hate Fedor and made this up.

And that's the sad part, these are the kind of people Fedor has surrounded himself with. And it gets more pathetic. After Vladimir Voronov (Fedor's trainer) claimed that Fedor lost because he was hypnotized, Fedor's striking coach Alexander Michkov stated that:

1. Fedor had absolutely NO game plan going into the Silva fight. They figured they would just wing it and adjust accordingly.

2. Overeem and Antonio Silva are doping.

3. Overeem is "gormandized with steroids". Whatever that means. :lol

Now, the interesting part is #2, specifically regarding Antonio Silva and why Michkov believe's he's doping. According to him, it's because Silva weighed in at 264 lbs and come fight night he was over 280 lbs. And Michkov says he's never heard of anyone being able to gain 20 lbs overnight like that. So that MUST mean Silva's doping since it's impossible to gain that much weight in such a short amount time.

Just think about that for a second, let it sink in. This guy is involved in MMA and he's never heard of weight cutting!? He has no concept of a standard in North American MMA i.e. the place where Fedor is fighting now!?

Michkov's head would probably explode with confusion if someone told him about Anthony Johnson and how he weighs-in at 170 lbs and come fight night 24 hours later he's over 200 lbs. :lol

Bunch of Fubars, seriously.
Yeah whats wierd is I was listening to a pod cast a while ago and they had Vinnie magales..blah blah cant spell his name, the vinnie that came from TUF. Anyways he was saying that Russians dont cut weight and he said when he was over there he said they have terrible diets. So for me i dont think its crazy that they dont know about weight cutting, but like you said to be involved in MMA this long and to not know that people do this. Thats fine in Russia if the fighters dont do weight cuts, but here in the US dudes cut weight. Thats the same with the Japanese. They dont weight cut either they just fight at there normal weight so they get over here and there tiny getting crushed by much bigger guys.

I do agree, Fedors camp just doesnt realize how the sport is really run. It just goes back to change your training and evolve or get smashed like he did.
Awesome. Fedor's won some great fights in the past, but this is seriously starting to lose some credibility with me. Going into any fight without a specific plan is retarded IMO, and I'm not even a fighter. His team should've had at least some kind of strategy for everyone that is on the tournament roster.
Thats the same with the Japanese. They dont weight cut either they just fight at there normal weight

I know, but even though they don't do it themselves Japanese fighters at least KNOW what weight cutting is. Michkov apparently doesn't even know what that is. So he thinks anyone who cuts weight is doping since to him, it's impossible to gain that much weight overnight. :lol:lol:lol
*waits for a devil_666 photoshop image* :wave



Tito Ortiz is out of Fight Night 24 with an injury (needed stitches). So his replacement will be Mr. Wonderful Phil Davis. I don't know about y'all.. but I actually prefer Davis vs. Lil Nog. :lol
I just pictured Fedor getting knocked on his ass wearing the red nose with one of those clown sounds :lol
Nah.. he'll continue fighting. M-1 will see to that.

*cough*mob pressure*cough*


Hell, that ******** Scott Coker already said Fedor could still be an alternate for their little HW tourney. Which is a complete joke in and of itself considering ..

1) Fedor thoroughly got his ass whooped by Bigfoot and
2) They already have 3 alternates (who actually won their fights) Shane Del Rosario, Valentijn Overeem and Chad Griggs.

So if SF bumps any of those guys for Fedor it will just add to the circus-like atmosphere of Strikefarce.

That promotion seriously needs to learn how to present unbiased fights and not set themselves up for failure when things don't work out like they want. You'd think they would've learned after the Jake Shields/Dan Henderson fiasco. And the Bobby Lashley/Chad Griggs fiasco. And the Fedor/Werdum fiasco. And now the Fedor/Bigfoot fiasco. Those were all fights where SF openly promoted and focused only on the person they wanted to win and basically ignored the opponent. And guess who won all those fights?

In the UFC they equally promote both fighters, that way it's win/win for them regardless of who comes out on top. SF puts all their eggs in one basket and then looks stupid when ____ goes wrong.
I do agree, when I heard about Fedor maybe becoming an alternate...thats a bunch of bs. He lost fair and square, plenty of other guys that legitly won there fight and should have a chance to fight.
I hope the UFC over runs SF eventually. I like some of their fighters, but their org is just a joke. I have no interest in watching any of their promotions. SF is closer to the WWE than the UFC.