The reason the PSAC wanted him to cycle off for 8 weeks was because
cutting weight causes the same exact symptoms Marquardt was having: Low testosterone, irritability, fatigue, aches and pains, etc.
So the PSAC wanted to see if the symptoms Marquardt was having was actually due to a drop in testosterone (which is a real medical condition) or simply side effects from him cutting weight to make 170 lbs. And instead of following their instructions, Marquardt took even MORE testosterone (higher dosage) up until a week before the fight which obviously resulted in him having elevated levels above the acceptable range the day of the fight.
And remember, the PSAC raised Marquardt's acceptable range level above the normal acceptable range level given to other fighters because he disclosed he was undergoing TRT meaning the PSAC gave him a range of what a normal person doing TRT would have and Marquardt's levels even exceeded that so dude STILL failed.